Car rides and Kip

Yo. Readers. Elroy here. Enjoying the last few days of 2020. I hear it was a challenging year for lots of two leggeds – but honestly, from this dog’s point of view, it wasn’t all that bad. Her Highness was home with us lots of the time – so who can complain about that? Unless she wants to take photos with us canines wearing headgear. That I could do without.

Seems Her Highness has been on a bit of a walking kick lately. I’m thinking it’s to make up for eating too many Christmas cookies. And Halloween treats. She went for a long walk the other day – and she took the Shark. They went with our friend Wendy, and the Shark’s girlfriend, Gena. They went for several hours – which was wonderful. Not only did we have relief from the tornado while he was gone, but he actually came home and took a nap. A post-Christmas miracle. The next two days she went for walks with friends, but didn’t take any of us. Hello? Can humans actually go for walks without their dogs? Isn’t there something in the ownership manual that says they MUST take us along?! I’ll have to look it up.

Anyway, to make us feel better, she took all of us for drives to the mailbox (which takes all of 3 minutes), to the post office (a 12 minute drive) and to pick up a pizza at a place 5 minutes down the road. Big mistake on that outing. The Boss drooled all over her shoulder on the way home. Not to mention all the olfactory art on the windows. It looks like all the back windows have frosted glass now. Kind of a cool effect…

Hey. Do you know whose birthday it is? Nope. Not mine. Here’s a hint…Jungle Book. Still aren’t sure? Why it’s Rudyard Kipling’s birthday. OK. Truth be told, I didn’t know either. The Boss told me. He’s the literature buff around here. I’m more of a comic boy guy myself.

But back to Rudy. Or should I call him Kip? I like Kip. Hey was that a crow that just flew by? What was I saying? Oh yeah. Kip. So I guess the dude is a pretty famous writer. He was born in India, but lived in England. He wrote novels, short stories and poems. And he won a Nobel Prize for Literature. But did you know that he liked dogs? A lot. And did you know he wrote a poem about dogs? Get your tissues out…

Yup. The dude liked dogs so much – he is basically warning readers that dogs can break your heart. I’m thinking there might be a few readers who understand this message.

OK. On that happy-go-lucky note, I think it’s time to go walking. Her Highness’ friend Joanie came into town and stayed at our place last night. I like her. I just sit and stare at her. And stare. Like I’m trying to say “please take me with you. The Shark drives me bonkers. Please take me….”. OK. I’m just joking. Sort of. He is fun sometimes. When he’s holding something in his mouth so he can’t bite you. Was I EVER that wild? Don’t answer that. I do recall my “walk-abouts.” But hard to believe I am now one of the “good” dogs. See. Miracles happen. Just don’t leave the front door open….

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Christmas casualties

Happy Monday blogaroos. Squirmy here. Although we know that Baby Jesus’ Birthday Bash was a big success, today I do need to talk about Christmas casualties. What Christmas casualties ? Well – I’m talking about those canine Christmas presents (and other items) that don’t survive until New Years’s Day. And apparently it happens all the time.

For example, My Enforcer received the following photo from a good friend minutes after his dog opened his Christmas present.

Looks like money well spent. Not. It’s a typical Christmas casualty.

A blog reader sent My Enforcer a note thanking us for my blog about hydrogen peroxide. It seems her dog ate the leg of his Christmas present. I’m assuming it was a stuffed toy. Anyway, because of my glove experience, she knew how to get that leg back – once again restoring the joy of Christmas to their household. Another Christmas casualty – with a good ending. See – I knew I ate that glove for a reason…

My Enforcer saw a meme commemorating all those squeakers that lost their lives this Christmas. I’m sure there were many.

In our household, one of the gifts was this prickly tough round rubber “thing” that has two rubber feet. I’m not sure WHY Santa brought that gift – because yours truly immediately tried to chew off the feet. I wasn’t successful because My Enforcer watched my earnest effort to make that thing an amputee, and she immediately removed it. I’m not sure where it went.

My Enforcer read about dogs chewing on other things too like the Christmas tree, tinsel and of course wrapping paper. But the worst? Probably the dog named Duffer – who chewed on…get ready…the Baby Jesus from the family’s nativity scene!!! The Baby Jesus was reportedly a family heirloom – made of wax and fabric – an obviously tasty combo for Duffer. He left a few remnants of the figure, but until the family could find a suitable replacement, Baby Jesus had a variety of stand-ins – including Gumby.

We found this video which is actually quite old – but well, it’s nice to know other naughty dogs exist!!

So today we take a moment to remember all those toys, gifts and other items that didn’t survive a canine Christmas. Especially the squeakers . We will remember you fondly. Now let’s see what kind of stuffed things are on sale at Amazon….

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Christmas recap. And more bloopers….

Holy moly howdy do! It’s me everybody!!!!! Squirmy! And did I ever enjoy this whole Baby Jesus birthday bash!

Despite my sometimes less-than-exemplary behavior- SANTA did bring me gifts!!!! Well. They were kind of communal canine gifts – so I do need to share them. But that’s OK.

One of THE most fun things was watching My Enforcer try to get a photo with us before we opened our gifts. She KNEW that my head would explode – so she had to carefully carry out her battle plan. First she sequestered me. Well. She didn’t at first. No. AT FIRST she attempted to put these scarf things on each of us – and when I immediately tried to strangle the Coyote with his own scarf, she put me in solitary. So she outfitted the other two, took them in the DFZ and planted them behind the gifts. You’ll note that The Boss gets into photo shoot mode, while the Coyote becomes the temperamental model.

He is told not to touch the presents but the paper on his lip gives him away.

Then I get added to the scene. You can see how excited the Coyote is. But look at the Boss…

Here I discover the pompoms on my scarf. And the Coyote officially wants to beam himself to another planet. And then we have the Boss.

And yet another joyous shot of the Coyote.

Finally we got this one…

The photos after this scene were all blurry. It was chaos. My Enforcer tossed all the gifts out of the DFZ and into the dining room. The Coyote immediately began shredding the wrappings. For a guy who looked so miserable in the pre photos, he came to life afterwards.

I ran around with the wrapped gifts not knowing what to do. Meanwhile, Smiley just stood there and barked. We got some cool new fetch toys, and this ball with another ball inside it that squeaks. I love to squeak toys. And to torment everybody while doing it.

Oh oh. Plus besides the gifts that Santa brought, the mailman ALSO brought gifts. But he’s unionized so he didn’t come in the middle of the night like Santa. Anyway, he brought gifts for us from friends of My Enforcer-and we got everything from poop bags, to dog ornaments, to a cute towel with a “digging dog” on it, to a reusable shopping bag with dogs on it to dog treats!!! My Enforcer didn’t let us open those. Especially the treats. Can YOU imagine that?!

Yesterday My Enforcer had Christmas meals at two different places. When she came home in the evening after her second meal of the day, she kind of waddled into the house. She had a lovely day – and it’s great because after stuffing herself all day- that’s also good news for us. It means more walks in the days ahead. Yup – I’m really liking this Christmas stuff.

Today the Boss actually has a class – one of his sessions was canceled a few weeks ago due to bad weather. So he’s back to school today. Better him than me – I’m on Christmas vacation. At least that’s what I’m calling it.

Well it’s time to start fighting. I heard it’s Boxing Day – so I’m guessing we must do some play fighting. I know that in many places in the world, Boxing Day signals all kinds of sales on things that you paid full price for before Christmas. But not here in Nova Scotia. Everything is closed. Yup. No big sales here until after Boxing Day. Mind you some stores had pre Boxing Day sales. Seriously – humans are so confusing sometimes. And My Enforcer calls me crazy.

Time to get Miss Waddles out for a walk. We have a plan to keep her moving and to stare at her if she attempts to eat any more Christmas cookies…Wish us luck.

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Merry Christmas!!!

Happy holidays blogaroos!!!! It’s me Squirmy and I’m SO excited that today is Christmas Eve!!!! I’m so excited I could pee!!!! But I had better do it outdoors….or that Santa guy might change his mind about bringing me presents.

Well for weeks now, My Enforcer has been making us take Christmas photos. And while you all seem to enjoy the good shots, you two leggeds seem to get more enjoyment out of our Bloopers. So that’s part of our gift to you. Here we go…

So she thought she could get one of all three of us wearing elf hats. I want you to pay close attention to The Boss in ALL the photos.

This one is not TOO bad – meaning we are all actually sitting. But I am planning other things. And note the look on the Coyote’s face. Like somebody told him something ridiculous like there is no Santa…

In this one I take a dive. And the Coyote is unhappy because this means he has to wear the elf hat even longer.

Here I am trying to rid myself of the hat…

And here I am taking it off…while the Coyote watches…

Here the elf hats are removed, and the Coyote is still not overly happy…

Here we add some garland and the Coyote and I notice something to our right…Note the stuffed dog who is still looking at the camera…

This one is the best for that session…I should probably mention that My Enforcer noticed gold tinsel in my poop the next day….

Then we had the day when I went out with the snowman. But My Enforcer used kibble for the snow dude’s eyes and mouth. Seriously – what did she think would happen?

Here’s an antler session. This was bad. Really bad. I mean we know the Coyote does NOT like headgear-,so why even try?

Here he starts sliding down….

So now My Enforcer attempts to get us to all lie down…but the Coyote refuses to look at the camera…

In this one, he is saying “seriously?”

Then we both begin to protest…

And the wardrobe malfunctions begin…

Here the Coyote has had his antler removed yet he still refuses to look at the camera – and yours truly gives up. But notice the Boss is still smiling. What a ham!

So there you have a few bloopers for your viewing pleasure. Sometimes My Enforcer can’t even capture the bloopers – she’s so busy giving out treats, throwing squeaky toys and stopping us from eating the props that she can’t even hold onto the phone. She needs an assistant. And we’ll pay in dog treats. Whatever is left over that we don’t eat during the session.

Well I need to go and get ready for Santa. He actually came early and dropped off some Bully Sticks yesterday. We were supposed to wait until Christmas to have them, but in order for My Enforcer to edit the photos you just saw, she knew she needed a few minutes of peace. So out came those Bully Sticks! She said they were her Christmas gift to herself. I don’t get that – they’re for us! Sometimes two leggeds are confusing.

I’ll let you know after Christmas if I did get any gifts. Paws crossed.

In the meantime, I wish all you blog readers from all of us – a very Merry Christmas! Stay safe and enjoy this very special birthday!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Wojtek’s turn

Hey hey hey! It’s me! Squirmy!!!!!! Full of festive fun feelings! Today the days are already starting to get longer! AND I understand that in just two more days – we get PRESENTS! For somebody else’s birthday!!! How great is THAT?!

The Boss did tell me that I only get presents if I’ve been good. And not naughty. Hey – I’m just a baby – I’m not sure what naughty even means! How can you be guilty if you didn’t know that carpet chewing was even a crime?! I’m STARTING to understand that certain things like jumping on people, biting people and my “brothers”, eating gloves and counter surfing fall in the naughty category. I promise to do better next year. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to say? Anyway, I’m still writing my letter to Santa. Plus I got tricked into having a bath yesterday- so Santa better bring me SOMETHING. Here we go…

Dear Santa Claus.

I’m so excited to meet you!!!! My name is Wojtek (pronounced Voy-tek) and on the 25th I’ll be 8 months old!!!!!!!!!! I was born in the United States but my ancestors come from Poland and now I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. But you probably already know that- I hear you get around.

I hope you are ready for your round the world tour. Just like a rock star! Although I hear you’re even more popular than any rock star ever – and you’ve been around longer than any rock star. Except maybe some guy named Keith Richards. The Boss told me to put that in. It’s his idea of a joke but I don’t get it.

Anyway Mr. Claus, this is my very first Christmas- so I’m not quite sure what to expect. The Coyote told me to ask for whatever I want – and as long as it’s not a Lamborghini, I have a shot at getting it. The Boss said to ask for edibles. And that sounds like a great idea. I love treats. I love food. I also love toys that I can retrieve because that means I get more treats when I bring them back! So I really really REALLY would like stuff to eat or chew on. Other than the carpet or chairs in the dining room.

Now for my confession part… I’m not certain I have been “nice” all the time. But I’m just little – so I’m learning. Plus you know what Santa? For a little guy, I learned I had some pretty big paw prints to fill in this house. There was a guy named Viktor who lived here before me – and from this old photo I found, I think HE was quite the guy…

Honestly, when I have my “less-than-nice” moments – it’s because that guy is telling me what to do!!! He’s still here. Trust me on this one- and I’m here to carry on his dumb bell. Whatever that means.

Anyway Mr. Claus, I like this whole Christmas thing. I’m getting the idea that it’s all about being good and kind and thoughtful to others. And if you are that way to others, gifts come back to you. In all different ways. Gifts don’t have to be “things” they can be a hug or a pat on the head, or a kind word like “good boy.” When you realize that – you understand how really easy it is to give gifts to others.

OK. I had better go and start behaving- it will be my gift to My Enforcer. I can do that – at least for a day!

Oh – If your reindeer need a break, feel free to stop in our yard. It’s fenced, and I’ll be happy to clean up any morsels they leave behind.

Take good care Mr. Claus!

Your friend , Wojtek

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Frodo’s turn

Greetings blog aficionados. Frodo here on this last Sunday before Christmas. The last minute shoppers will be rushing through the stores in a panic to select gifts. As if they didn’t know that Christmas falls on the 25th. Every year.

While I don’t want to burst the Claus bubble for any child under 8.4 who happens to be reading this blog (believe it or not there is an average age statistic for the disbelief phenomenon)- I am well aware that Santa has assistance from Her Highness. In selecting our gifts, of course. I do not believe that Santa comes down our chimney – because we would SURELY hear him. No – I believe Her Highness “meets Santa at a store” – and he gives her our gifts. Which she bemoaningly wraps ( I’m not certain there is such a word) – but you clearly gather her distain for wrapping.

In the past, we have received an assortment of toys – including those “educational brain games” we received a few years ago. The one where we each tried to eat the game pieces. Clearly the title “brain games” was a bit inaccurate- at least in this household.

So while I question the whole Claus “thing” – I have been told I must write a letter to put in my request for gifts. So. Here we go…

Dear Mr. S. Claus,

Salutations from Frodo, here in Nova Scotia. I am hopeful that given your remote domicile in the far North, that you and your spouse, as well as assorted height-challenged employees, were able to escape the ravages of COVID-19. I have seen no news reports indicating an outbreak in your area – so I trust that factory production is running on schedule.

Just like my “adopted brother,” Elroy – aka Coyote aka FG, I am quite content with all that I have. I don’t need a new collar, as one cannot see it with my shaggy coat. Grooming tools would be a cruel Christmas gift. Toys are fine – but personally, if asked for my favorite thing – food always wins. I’m not particularly fond of lettuce or Brussels sprouts, but beyond that, I have free-range palate. Anything goes. Admittedly, I have put on a few lbs since the Shark arrived – because when he gets treats, I insist on getting them too. So I suppose I could keep treats on my list- but please make them low calorie. They need not be vegan.

As to my behavior this past year, you will be delighted to know that as the “senior dog” in the household, I take great responsibility in modeling appropriate behavior. Except I suppose for the barking. Mind you, someone needs to bark out orders around here.

I know that this year has been difficult for many people and in stealing a term made popular by the Queen in 1992, this year has been an annus horribilis. And it would be extremely easy to focus on the numerous sad events throughout the year. Instead though, I prefer to focus on the good things – no major illnesses in our current household, the food bowls have never gone empty, the power and heat are on AND we welcomed the arrival of our new addition. The imp. The Shaggy Shark. Wojtek. While he does have an unruly habit of barking in my face, he is generally respectful of me. We like to lick each other’s heads – resulting in one gooky brown ear for each of us in the past week. I suppose I could put ear drops on the list.

No – instead of being an “ask letter”- consider my letter a thank you note. Thank you for all that I have. And may we be able to have the same feeling of thanks throughout 2021.

Stay safe Mr. Claus. Wear your mask AND a helmet- and be sure to pass on our gratefulness and hope for health and peace to all those reading this note.

Sincerely yours,

CKC Ch., CFC Elite Ch. Frodo du Domaine de Polana, CD, RE ( but you may call me Frodo)

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Santa came early!

Howdy blogees! Elroy here with some exciting news! The population of Berger Picards in Nova Scotia has just gone up by 16% – if my math skills are correct. Yup – there’s a new kid in town- his name is Tupper – AND he was born in the very same place as moi! But before you all begin to hyperventilate that we have a new addition in our house, I need to let you know that the handsome little lad is living with my girlfriend, Willow. I’m a BIT jealous – but I’ll get over it. Her Highness went to visit him the other day – and said not only is he super cute, but he’s smart too!!!!! Here he is with Willow – this photo was taken by Emma – the woman they own. Isn’t he cute?! I can’t wait to meet him!!!!

So now I want to try and figure out the population of PONs vs Picards in our province. Not that I necessarily KNOW all the dogs out there – but let’s face it, we rare breeds are pretty rare in some parts.

Today is exactly one week until Christmas. The Boss said we should each create our own lists for Santa. I’m not really “a list” kinda guy. I mean I like to go with the flow. I’m not big into restrictions or formality. But they said I have to do it – so here goes…

Dear Santa;

Elroy here. The biggest guy in the household. Those PONs think they are big- but I can still walk over them. Anyway, I’ve had to think a lot about what I would like for Christmas. Unlike most dogs, I generally think food and treats are overrated. Sure I’ll eat a sweet potato chew or certain parts of a bull’s anatomy – but that’s only if I have nothing else to do. So don’t bother with edibles for me.

I suppose I could use a new cover for that inflatable ball – the cover that is currently on the ball is missing pieces. Um. I’m not exactly sure how that happened. Oh – here’s a question for you- if you lie to Santa, do you get fewer gifts? I’m asking for a friend.

What else? No grooming stuff for me. I already have a brush and comb -good enough.

I like sheep. A lot. And we DO have a fenced yard now – so I think we are quite equipped to handle one or two. Plus they could mow the lawn – and although as I already mentioned, I’m not a foodie- I do enjoy the morsels that those sheep make. So yeah – toss a sheep or two in your sleigh if you have room.

I did get my Christmas wish before – the one where Her Highness would spend more time with us at home. First she retired and THEN we had this pandemic thing – so thanks for those.

Otherwise, I’m good Santa. Well – maybe not “good” in the behavior department- but good when it comes to needs. And actually- compared to that Shaggy Shark- I AM good in the behavior department! Who would EVER believe there could be someone more naughty than me! I can’t wait to see HIS list. Is he even eligible for gifts this year?

Anyway -take it easy Santa. Wear your mask, and drive safely.

Your pal,


Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

The taste of hydrogen peroxide.

It’s me blogaroos! Squirmy Wormy the canine garburator!!!! And do I have a story for YOU. This is one of those “lemonade” stories. You know – if life serves you limes, buy some lenonade. Or something like that.

So this story has two parts. And it kind of began last week. But let’s start with the more recent part. Which was yesterday…

Yesterday, My Enforcer went to visit a new friend…..we’ll tell you all about him in our next blog. I think that’s what they call a cliffhanger…

Anyway, when she got home, she decided we needed to take more Christmas photos. Yup – the Dollar Store dress up has begun – and although we already do have some good bloopers for your viewing pleasure, she wanted to get a few more shots. So. She went in the garage to prepare the “set.” She was in there for like 10 minutes. She wasn’t worried about me chewing the carpet because that pepper spray stuff seems to have deterred my rug renovation skills. The stuff tastes yucky. But I’m sure it will eventually wear off. Anyway, I was pretty quiet while she was getting our “set” ready. She emerged from the garage to get us ready – and she realized my cheeks looked puffed out. Like I was holding something. She ran for a treat to “trade” and what she received was some wool. Brown wool. The cuff of a glove. Yup. Just the cuff. She did a quick scan of the rooms and found no other remnants – so it was pretty clear where the rest of the glove was. In my stomach.

Well. Although it was a cool day, she started sweating. Lots. But- she also KNEW what this meant. I mean she once lived with Bernese Mountain dogs who were notorious for eating mittens, socks- and then there was even the case when Paxton ate an entire 3 foot sling. Then there was Beamish, the Lab who ate a big block of bird suet. And someone who shall remain nameless who ate corn cobs….

So what does one do when a dog eats something bad? Well as long as there has not been too much time that has gone by – AND as long as the bad thing is not caustic – the best thing is to make us dogs puke. And the best method? Hydrogen peroxide. The vets have other methods to make us vomit – but the at- home method is hydrogen peroxide. In a real pinch ( pun intended) one can use salt. BUT WE DO NOT ADVOCATE THAT – as it can be dangerous if you give too much.

So. My Enforcer thought that given how much of the glove was missing – she had better try to “retrieve” it. Unfortunately, it’s been years since she’s had a garbage gut dog – so she had no Hydrogen Peroxide. She jumped in the car, after she sequestered me and took off for the closest pharmacy. On the way, she called our vet to find out about correct dosage.

When she got home, I was all excited to see her – as I usually am. I had no idea that the turkey baster in her hand would be holding the catalyst to make me puke. After she injected the foul stuff into the back of my mouth, she took me outside. In the fenced pen. And she waited. Well. It wasn’t more than 5 minutes that I put my head down and voila- a pile of glove fibers appeared! My Enforcer was SO happy. She waited a bit and when it seemed I was no longer feeling the urge to toss my cookies, she took me in the house. Of course, within 5 minutes, I puked more glove! Excellent. And then I puked AGAIN. And this time was particularly significant. Because in the remnants of treats and kibble there was something else. Something blue….And this is the lemonade part.

You see, every day, the Boss and I have Kongs at breakfast time- while My Enforcer is eating her breakfast. They are filled with treats and yogurt that is frozen overnight. Now there are three types of Kongs. Puppy Kongs, Regular Kongs and Super tough Kongs. We have one puppy Kong and the rest are regular or super. Anyway, last week when I was enjoying my morning Kong, My Enforcer noticed that I was chewing a fair bit. More than normal. On closer inspection, she realized that yours truly had torn off a large piece of rubber from the puppy Kong.

She immediately took it from me – and silently prayed that I had chewed the piece enough so that it wouldn’t cause an obstruction. Every day since then, she’s been searching my poop for bits of blue rubber. And no results…

So. IMAGINE her happiness yesterday when I not only puked glove – BUT I puked the big blue piece of Kong!!!!!!!!!!! Yippeee!!! Oh oh. And after she got that all cleaned up, I puked liquid two more times on the new carpet! Just for good measure!!!!

Yup it was a lemonade day after all. I mean if I hadn’t eaten the glove, who KNOWS what would have happened with the Kong. Mind you, there was the story of a PON who once chewed the head off a stuffed duck. And returned it by puking it up 6 weeks later!!!!! Now THAT was remarkable.

OK gotta go. Time for my morning constitutional. And time to plan my misadventures for today. Gotta keep My Enforcer’s blood pressure from going too low. As if that’s ever a problem!!!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe. And don’t eat gloves.

Failed escape

Hey blogaroos!!! Another marvelous Monday! At least in my little world! You know me – Marvelous Monday, Terrific Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday- all’s right with MY world. I’m a lucky dog. Although….I DID have a Scary Sunday. Because I tried a PONdini trick – and was NOT successful….

So you know how I have figured out how to lift the three latches on my wire crate aka prison cell – so My Enforcer has had to use carabiners to keep me in? And that’s been a successful incarceration method. So far. However… yesterday morning, the method failed. Half way.

My Enforcer took me out for a short morning constitutional. She then sequestered me in my cell while she took out the Coyote. I have to be incarcerated because of the whole carpet thing. Yawn. Anyway it was kinda damp and misty – so we each went out individually- for short walks. As My Enforcer was returning from their walk and she approached the front door, she heard what sounded like a bark and a squeal. It was different from my typical incessant barking. She opened the front door and her eyes kinda bugged out of her head. I had somehow managed to still push up the three latches on the door – and opened the door as wide as those 2 inch carabiner clips. And I had attempted to jump through the opening. I had done something like this before, when there was one carabiner clip. And BEFORE when I attempted this trick, I was a puppy. A smaller puppy. But I’m a big puppy now – so I unfortunately found myself stuck. Really stuck. Really REALLY stuck. With my body being squished with every breath. I was just a BIT panicky – so My Enforcer couldn’t reach underneath me to release the carabiners. So – like something out of a scene from Wonder Woman, she bent back the heavy wire door with one hand and lifted the back half of me with her other hand. I think I heard the theme from Rocky. And praise the Lord I was free!!!!! I was kinda panting and puffing because it’s hard work trying to free yourself from a tiny gap in a crate door. My Enforcer felt me all over, and I seemed fine. But you know her- she couldn’t take her eyes off me. She worried I squished some internal organs – but not to worry- like a mouse getting through a tiny gap, I was FINE. She did wish she had a home X-ray machine. Maybe Santa can bring her one for Christmas. Although I’m thinking it’s pretty unlikely. I think she should just put dog biscuits on her Santa list. Yeah – she can’t eat them – but we know her life revolves around our happiness- so she would be SO happy to get dog biscuits. OK. I guess that’s a stretch – especially coming from a dog who caused her blood pressure to skyrocket after a failed Great Escape.

Anyway….other than THAT I had a Super Sunday. Some neighbors dropped by because- get this – they baked BISCUITS for the dogs on the road. A lovely little girl (the niece of the neighbor) came by with our treats. We were sequestered on the deck – so as not to knock over the bearer of our lovely surprise. She thought we were funny. She got that right! And boy we loved her biscuits!!!!

Well no rain in the forecast for today – so time to hit the golf course for some 200 yd fetch. I love it. The only tiny problem with it is the bath I need afterwards to clean up my green feet. But it’s worth it.

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

The Scream

Hey everybody! It’s me – Squirmy! Hope you’re having a Super Saturday! Only ONE more Saturday before Christmas!!!! I have to write my list for Santa. Number one on the list will be an instructional video on how to open carabiners if you don’t have opposable thumbs. Yup. Escaping from my prison cell is numero uno on my list.

To keep me from further decimating the carpet ( besides keeping me in my cell), My Enforcer tried this pepper spray used to keep horses from chewing on things. So I guess horses can also misbehave!!!! Cool.

You have to apply the pepper spray in a well ventilated area. My Enforcer did it the other day, but she didn’t think she put on enough, as I was quickly walking around chewing carpet fibers the very next day. So the night before last, while we were safely sequestered in the bedroom, she donned a mask and goggles, held her breath and sprayed a good part of the carpet. So yesterday, I did nothing with regard to carpet crafting. We’ll see how long the pepper spray works.

Meanwhile, in an effort to tire me out, she has begun taking a Chuck It toy to the golf course when we go for our walks. The Chuck It is a long plastic thingy that allows one to throw a small rubber ball. We’ve used it in the yard, but she figured the fairways on the golf course would provide an even further fetching track. Well. My pin brain exploded when I watched that ball flying down the fairway. I took off like a bullet – often dramatically rolling in my attempt to stop the whirling orb. And then I would race back to My Enforcer for a treat. I did that at least half a dozen times, when I finally began to lie down half way back. I mean I was running hundreds of yards – and I was getting tired! My Enforcer was ALL excited. She figured I would be tired out and she could actually read a book for a chapter or two. But guess what? I only need about 15 minutes of rest before I’m ready to go again! It takes A LOT to tire me out!!

Hey I have some trivia!!!! Did you know that today is the birthday of Edvard Munch?’ You know who he is – the Norwegian painter who did that famous painting “The Scream.” If ya Google that painting, you might read a bunch of different theories behind the painting – everything from Munch’s feelings about nature at sunset to his feelings about his sister who was committed to an asylum to his impressions after visiting mummies at an Exposition. But guess what?! My Enforcer has her own theory!!!!!! True fact – Munch owned dogs!!!! My Enforcer says that explains the painting perfectly! Especially if he ever had a 7 month old puppy!!!

She thinks she’s funny sometimes. And we laugh along so she’ll give us biscuits…

Anyway – have a good one!!! Peace and paws up. Stay safe!