Sleep. Or not.

Today is February 28 and it’s also National Public Sleeping Day.  A day for those folks who like to commune with nature and are able to sleep outdoors, in public.  And THAT would be my human.  She could fall asleeep anywhere.  At any time.  Really.  And it may partly be because of me…

You see lately I have started this “new” routine.  I get up every morning around 3AM.  If she is in the DFZ, I go and stare at her through the gate.  Or if she is in her bed, I do the same thing.  I stare.  And she is psychic – so she wakes up.  So then she throws on her fuzzy robe and slippers and takes me out for a pee.  And truthfully, I don’t really need to pee THAT badly.  But when I started this routine, she, in her half alseep state, would come in and give me (and the other stooges) a treat.  Mistake.  BIG mistake.  Because NOW I want to go out – just to get that treat.  It doesn’t matter that the past few nights she hasn’t given me one – it’s the CHANCE that she will forget and will pony up the goods. Kind of like going to a casino, you never know when you might win.

Unfortunately for my human, her sleep patterns are a BIT disturbed by my night time cravings.  So she tries to go to bed earlier.  No problem – I just adjust my staring and try around midnight – which I have done the last few nights.  And then to REALLY make things interesting, some nights I will try TWICE.  But it is CRITICAL to poop on the second outing – that way she can’t get annoyed with me. 

I have a FEELING that she might be on to me.  The other night I actually tried THREE times – at which point she said “VIKTOR YOU ARE FAKING. GO BACK TO BED!!!”  So I did.

Personally, I think sleep is overrated.  Mind you – it might have something to do with the fact that we sleep most of the day.  Wait – let me clarify that.  We sleep in rotation – when we are not doing guard duty.  Sure we do.

Anyway, time for a little pupnap.  Have a good one!

Peace and paws up!

Seizure-free days: 2

In the News

So what’s new in the world of dogs (besides dog shows)?  Well on the local level, Einstein and I got to meet our new neighbor.  He lives in the next house up the road – and his name is Max.  He’s a multi-breed, mostly shepherd puppy and he is about 4 months old.  When Einstein and I went out for our long walk Sunday morning (before my human took the FG to the show), we were coming round a bend in the road and Einstein started sniffing the air and pulling like mad.  And sure enough – there he was – going for a walk with one of his humans.  He’s a very friendly guy, and after we all had good sniffs, there were waggy tails all around.  Of course, Einstein had to bark his approval and wanted to play with Max.  I, on the other hand, just sat back to watch.  As you may recall, puppies are really not my “thing”.  I mean they are OK – but I would rather play with a rabbit.  Well, maybe not “play” – but  that’s who I would be more likely to chase around.  I must be part hound.

In world news, we found the following video and just HAD to share it.  It’s about a sheep-dog.  Not a sheepdog.  A SHEEP -dog.  It’s a sheep – who THINKS he is a dog.  And honestly, I want one.  Check this out:
Is he not CUTE????   Now… I might agree to play with HIM.

And in the last bit of dog news, they are trying a new dating idea for singles in British Columbia, Canada.  It’s a lounge where dog owners can come with their dogs to mingle and meet other single dog owners. The dogs get to play while the humans can have a drink together and see if everyone can get along.  Brilliant idea.  Unfortunately, it wouldn’t work for my human because first of all it’s on the other side of the country and second of all, only dogs under 30 lbs are allowed.  Seems like discrimination to me. Yeah, yeah.  I guess they don’t want the big dogs to hurt the little dogs.  Mind you, some little dogs can be pretty darn tough!!!! And why do they assume that little dog owners would be best matched with other little dog owners? I think I need to open my own version on this side of the country.  My next money making scheme….

Have a good one!
Peace and paws up!
Seizure-free days: 1

Dog show. The LAST day. And some bad news.

Well the shows are over.  As they say in the dog show world “no love for the Picard” on Sunday.  But my human felt he showed well – and this time they did no dance routine in the ring.  One has to be open-minded when it comes to showing dogs in conformation.  To win, you have the opinion of a particular judge – and let’s face it – the decision is totally subjective.  For example, we saw a dog this weekend win BEST IN SHOW – and in another show, that same dog did not even win the breed.  Still – you know that going into this and even though you THINK that your dog is deserving of a ribbon – that’s your opinion!  And we all know, my human took THE best Picard home last night!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we PONs demonstrated our disappointment about not going to the shows by acting out.  A BIT.  For example, when out on our walks, we trudged along as if in a funeral march.  At 2AM Saturday, my human heard a ratting sound in the kitchen.  It sounded like I was next to a cupboard – and having a seizure.  She bolted up and found me counter surfing in the kitchen.  Einstein has been barking ALL the time.  I mean he usually barks a lot – but since this dog show thing, he keeps shouting out orders at my human. “Get up.  Take me out. Where’s my food?  Where’s my treat? Elroy stop looking at me.”  He was also sure to do that at 2 AM.  On Friday, when the FG got out of the vehicle after coming home from Meet the Breed, he ran into the run in the garage, and brought into the house one of those rubber eggs we got last year for Easter.  At one point on Friday night, my human was in the DFZ and she heard a strange chewing sound.  Einstein was carefully destroying the egg – bit by bit.  And on top of all of that – someone ate a HOLE in a sweater that was draped on a chair in the dining room.  My human replayed the tape on Big Brother – but the angle is hard to see.  For sure it WASN’T me.  Now it is possible it was the FG – BUT Einstein was  also in the picture close to the sweater.

Anyway, we are glad THAT show is over.  And I must confess, we did get a pile of leftover treats when they got home and that certainly helped.  So that wasn’t so bad.

Unfortunately, on a bad note, though,  I had a seizure at 12:30 AM this morning.   My human was so disappointed.   Let’s just hope it will be the only one… I had been doing so well. 

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!
Seizure-free days: 0

Dog Show. Day 2.

Well after all that packing, preparation, fluffing and puffing, the FG came home with a couple of tiny ribbons.  He won the Breed.  Mind you, he was the only Picard there.  But still – a ribbon is a ribbon.  In this case it was an example of “if you show up,” you get one.  But even that COULD have gone sideways at one point…

When my human went to take the FG in the ring, he had been waiting for a couple of hours.  That’s what humans do – they get there early to fluff and puff their dogs – unless they own a short-coated breed like a boxer.  But still – almost everyone arrives early.  Then you wait.  So by the time it was the FG’s turn to go in the ring, he was raring to GO.  My human suspected trouble when they went around the ring the first time and he scooped up some piece of fuzz or something as they were running.  Then came his turn to go “down and back”.  For non-dog show people, this is the point at which the judge has physically examined your dog and now he wants to see the dog running away and then back towards him.  The judge COULD be a woman – but in this case it was a guy.  So my human ran away with the FG.  And all was fine.  And then they started coming back and the FG decided it was time to jump and gallop.  And my human did what looked like a dance move as she suddenly lost his leash.  And in that .0008 seconds she envisioned the FG on one of his wild running sprees.  She awkwardly grabbed for his leash and caught him JUST as they planted themselves in front of the judge.  The judge just looked at her and said “try that again.”  Oopsie.  The second time was a charm.

When they went back in the ring for the group judging, the FG was QUITE fascinated with the tail of the Belgian Shepherd in front of him.  There COULD have been opportunity for more galloping – but my human kept him in check.  But no big ribbons for him this time. 

But while he may not have won any prizes in the conformation ring, he WAS a winner at Meet the Breed yesterday.  It was SUPER busy and my human lost track of how many kisses he gave away.  She should have been charging people.  A few people indicated a genuine interest in the breed – one couple had actually come back from the night before and stopped in again, asking more questions.  And of course, the FG was on his VERY best behavior.  He sat like a prince.  I think it’s false advertising.  They should see him when he goes loco pulling on the leash.  Or my human should have shown pictures of the old carpet that he made into Swiss cheese.  Anyway, he reportedly was really good.  And people really liked him.  He had his own fanclub – including at least two people who came to meet the “FG.”  Yup – he got to meet MY blog followers!  Lots of people took photos of him.  And my human discovered THE greatest trick to get him to put his ears up for photos.  Instead of making a weird variety of strange noises – which no longer work- she discovered that all she has to do is say “Bye – see you later,” and his ears go RIGHT up.  It worked like a charm EVERY time!  People got some awesome pictures of him!!!

But the best part about he day – from my point of view was the fact that when he got home, Mr. Congeniality slept like someone drugged him.  Peace and quiet.  And no poking at my backside or barking as he dances around me.  It was wonderful.

They are back at it again today.  And he’ll no doubt have more adventures to share.  Tomorrow I’ll let you know EXACTLY what Einstein and I thought about this whole dog show “thing.”

Have a good one.
Peace and paws up.

Seizure-free days:  43

Dog show. Day 1.

So yesterday my human had to go to work, but we heard some strange noises in the garage before she left.  She was clearly loading up the car – and Einstein and I know the sound well – she was putting in “dog show stuff”.

Getting ready to go to a dog show,  is kind of like going on a HUGE camping trip in a remote destination.  Like Mars.  One must be prepared for EVERYTHING.  Even though this show is taking place about 20 minutes from home.  And in the heart of the city.  But still.  One must have EVERYTHING that one could POSSIBLY need.  Just in case of a nuclear disaster. Or worse – a dog show emergency

First off, you have the crate.  Now SOME of you may recall the whole crate debacle last year at this time.  When my human “repaired” the soft-sided crate by using a hacksaw to cut a pole to keep the crate upright.  It’s a long story.  I’m sure you can find it in my blog archives.  But then she didn’t WANT to leave the FG in a soft-sided crate for fear he would chew his way out.  So she bought ANOTHER hard-sided crate to add to the collection of hard-sided crates we already own.  Well this year, she figured he would be fine in a soft- and she sided crate  The one she repaired last year.  So that was loaded in the vehicle.  Along with the grooming table on wheels.  The one that weighs 400 lbs.  And the big bag with the dryer.  Which she will likely NOT use with the FG – but hey – there could be a flood and she would need to dry him off.  Then you have the folding chair in CASE she EVER decides to sit down.  And then the tack box.  With ALL kinds of brushes, combs, scissors, sprays – most of which she never uses with the shaggy coated FG.  But you NEVER know.  Then there is the bag with HER attire.  Including the special, ugly black shoes that MUST be worn because they have good soles so she won’t slip and fall.  Her dog show attire bag includes an ensemble that MUST have pockets – for dog treats – or what is referred to as “bait.”  I guess showing dogs is like fishing – you never know if you’ll catch the big one, but the better the bait, the better your chances.  Sometimes.  But I digress.  The apparel that one wears MUST have pockets.  Although my humans HAS seen competitors put bait in some unusual places – and some even chew it.  She draws the line there.  Chewing freeze dried liver?  Forget it.

So after work she went to unload the “stuff” at the show site.  Now getting a “spot” at some shows can be like finding good real estate in Manhattan.  It’s very tough to find.  But LUCKILY, she has “friends” – Jerome the Boston and Connor the Old English own two VERY nice humans – who always get to the site even before the doors open.  They are pros at this dog show stuff. So they saved my human some space.  She went in, unloaded her stuff and then came home to get the FG.

Yesterday the FG wasn’t entered in the show.  He just went to this thing called “Meet the Breed.”  So he sits on a table, and people come by and have a chance to meet him.  There was also a nice Rhodesian Ridgeback who was also working the crowd at the same time.  The Meet the Breed area is right by the door as people enter.  And apparently, the FG did a good job as an ambassador for the breed.  He sat on the table, and kissed anyone who wanted a kiss.  One couple in particular was QUITE smitten with him – they said they would come back today to see him in the show.  We’ll see about that.

Today he is entered in the show himself.  My human looked at the “competition” list – and she realizes it is VERY stiff.  But they are going in for FUN.  And no falls or poops in the ring will be considered a success.  And after the competition – he is going back to Meet the Breed.  Again.  He’ll probably be unconscious at that point.  Which could be a bit of false advertising – if people think he is CALM…

So Einstein and I have another quiet day guarding.  Like yesterday, my human took us on extra long walks in the morning.  And we DID get extra treats.  So that works for us!

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!
Seizure-free days: 42

$250,000 dog show. Really.

So I was reading an article on the internet about dog shows.   Did you know that some people spend up to $250,000 in a year to show their dog in order to get to Westminster?   Yes.  You are seeing 4 zeros.  Now not EVERYONE spends that amount of money – and you may be wondering how that is even POSSIBLE.   Well for people who don’t show dogs, here’s my take on dog shows and what they cost…

  • Entry fees.  Every time you enter a dog show and spend sometimes less than 2 minutes in a beauty pagent ring being examined by a judge, you pay a fee.  The entry fee can be somewhere around $30.  That’s BALLPARK.  For big shows like Westminster, the fees can be double that.  But your average weekend show would be AROUND that.  And if there are four shows in one weekend, that means four entry fees. 
  • Travel and accommodations.  If you are going to a show in your home community, this isn’t a big deal.  BUT, if you enter a show that is more than an hour or two away, chances are you will be staying near the show. So you have accommodation fees.  If the show is closer, you have your multiple transportation costs. When people get into “campaigning” their dogs (yup – just like a human political campaign!) they may even fly the dog across the country for shows.  So then you have airline costs.  Really.  By campaigning your dog, you hope to win LOTS of times – and become the top ranking dog in your breed, in your group – or overall the most winning dog of all breeds for a particular year. 
  • Professional handler fees.  Now not everyone has a professional handler show their dog.  Some people, like my human, like to give it a try on their own.  She’s a glutton for punishment.  The pros really know what they are doing.  A pro can make a so-so looking dog look like a million bucks and a non-pro can make a REALLY good dog look not so great.  The fee for professional handlers can range anywhere from $100 to several hundred dollars.  And you pay that every time your dog walks in the ring.  So again, if you enter 4 shows in one weekend, mutiply that number by 4.
  • Grooming.  Some people who show dogs, have professional groomers or even the handler get the dog ready for the show.  Groomers cost money too.  Many people who show their dogs MAY groom them on their own.  But you still have to pay for fancy shampoos, conditioners, brushes, combs, dryers, grooming tables…..There is a cost to looking beautiful.
  • Advertisement. IF you are winning a LOT and campaigning your dog, you may wish to advertise your accomplishments in dog show magazines.  Yes – these do exist.  And let’s just say that although the judges are not biased in ANY way, a dog that is seen frequently in shows and in ads will become familiar to the judges – because even judges read dog show magazines.  So that’s NOT to say that it is a GIVEN that a top winning dog will win every time – and really, they DON’T.  But the better you are, and more you are out there, I THINK the better your chances MIGHT be. 

I’m not going to include the costs of treats or food – because we would have those whether we went to a show or not! 

So those are the general expenses.  And you want to hear THE most crazy thing?   So after humans spend all this money, let’s say they WIN the show.  And guess what.  90% of shows do NOT give monetary prizes!!!  Even Westminster!  Sure you get a pewter bowl, a nice ribbon and probably loads of endorsements – but in terms of PRIZE winnings – nada.

So.  They asked dog show humans WHY they do it.  Some said they do it to raise awareness about their breed.  They want people to see and learn about their breed – and some of them are preservation breeders.  They want to get their dog out there so people can see a good example of the breed.  It’s important to have knowledgeable puppy owners and one way to do that is by showing your breed to the public.

But one of the big reasons that people show their dogs is for the bond that is established between them and their canine companion.  It requires a good team to go in that show ring – and one that is working together and looking like they are having FUN.  And as someone once said, ribbons or not, you still go home with THE best dog at the end of the day!

And speaking of shows…the FG and my human will be strutting their stuff this weekend at the Halifax Kennel Club show.  I’m a BIT jealous because HE will also be doing Meet the Breed this time.  The reason Einstein and I are not doing it was purely a timing thing – my human won’t have time to go back and forth to show the FG and have us in Meet the Breed.  And she can’t take all three of us – so the wild thing gets to meet the public this time.  My human PROMISED we get to do it the next time.  It actually is fine with me – I didn’t really want a bath…

They have been practicing a BIT for the show – but let’s just say that Mr. Gawky is unpredicatble when it comes to standing and looking like he is having fun.  Getting those ears up and attentive is a work in progress – and clearly the cornflake catching practice did not result in a dog who can catch.  I hope someone takes some video…

We’ll let you know how it goes…

Have a good one!

Peace and paws up!
Seizure -free days: 41

Wanted. New Home for PON.

Wanted:  New Home for PON.  No.  I didn’t do anything bad.  I’m looking for a new home because I am mad at my human.  She has done TWO things to really annoy me… so I’m looking for new accommodations.

1.  You know about the whole sleeping thing.  And for a few days, Einstein and I were allowed back in the bedroom.  Until yours truly jumped off the bed and hurt my leg.  Which, by the way, is FINE now.  But still, she didn’t want me jumping for the time being.  So her solution?  Since my seizure-free record has been good, she is becoming a BIT less worried about them.  And she is not so worried about hearing me in the night because, truthfully, Einstein would start barking if anything happened.   So she has been SLEEPING IN HER OWN BED (instead of on the sofa) – and she keeps a gate across the bedroom door.  Really.  The nerve.  I want ON the bed.   I won’t jump.  I promise.  But no.  All three of us are left to lie longingly outside that gate.  We have LOADS of places to sleep – including a nice raised bed in the dining room- but we prefer to huddle close together by the bedroom door, in an attempt to look as pitiful as possible.  It’s not working yet.

2.  She is always reading about seizures and treatments and causes.  We are not looking to change anything right now, as things are going very well.  But one thing she read (that doesn’t involve food or medication) was that cervical subluxation or pressure on the neck, can increase the likelihood of seizures.  Now I don’t know that this has been studied scientifically,  but a simple solution to the problem is using a harness when walking, instead of attaching a leash to a collar around the neck.  So you guessed it – she ordered a harness for moi.  Like the one that the FG uses.  She ordered it based on size – and actually also ordered a bigger one for the FG – because he has grown.   So the other morning, AFTER she placed the order, she decides to try the FG’s harness on me during our morning walk.  And she didn’t really have time to fully adjust it – so I was wearing the FG fitted harness.  Well.  First off, how would SHE feel about wearing shoes that are too big?  Now mind you, it wasn’t THAT big – because it WAS tight on the FG (I have no idea how the guy could breathe) and I HAVE put on a few pounds lately.  But still, it wasn’t exactly custom sized.  So she put it on me and I walked out the door and stopped.  Remember, the FG wears the harness to keep from pulling.  And while I NORMALLY would be bolting down the driveway, pulling her along, I was now suspended.  She coaxed me to come along.  It didn’t seem fair that Einstein was happily trotting along wearing a normal collar and here I was in shackles.  I SWEAR Einstein was gloating.  Anyway, I trudged along like I had glue stuck to the bottom of my feet.  And I suppose that this is going to be the New World Order from now on.  Woe is me. 

So those are my two big rants for right now.  And my reasons for considering relocation.

OK.  OK.  Now that I re-read this whole post, I SUPPOSE life isn’t THAT bad here.  Perhaps I should reconsider that move.  I I GUESS I’ll stay. 

 IF I get some extra treats for my trouble….

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure-free days: 41

The New Yorker

February 21.  On this day in 1925, the first issue of the New Yorker magazine was published.  Now I’ve never really given much thought to the New Yorker, an American magazine – which includes short stories, commentaries and reviews about a range of political and cultural topics.  But on looking a bit more closely, I was surprised to see how much DOG content is in a magazine.  In fact, there have been so may cartoons and covers about dogs, that books have been published about the dog content!  In this article you can see just a few of the many dog covers over the years:

And here is one of the books:

And here is a sampling of some of the MANY cartoons that have appeared in the magazine:–b704843/dogs-new-yorker-cartoons-posters.htm
Personally, I like the one where the dog is telling the cat that they don’t keep him (the cat) on a leash, because they want him to run away.  OK. That’s bad.  But funny…

Humor is in the eye of the beholder – and my bet is that you can find at LEAST one of these cartoon that will make you chuckle.  Or at least smirk….Something also tells me that the dogs in this house could be the subjects for some of those cartoons ….

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!

Seizure-free days: 40

Photos and liver dust

So what do you think are the 5 post popular dog breeds on Instagram?  When you look at posts, the dogs that appeared most frequently in order of popularity include: pug, bullldog,  terrier (no specific type of terrier – so I guess they are all lumped together), chihuahua and husky.  PONs and Picards did not make the top 5.  And I’m betting they are not even in the Top 10.   Although heaven knows,  with my human and her never- ending puparazzi routine, one of us SHOULD  make it to the top 5.

My human posted a photo of the FG the other day and someone says he looks like a model.  Which is very funny because he really does NOT like having his photo taken.  He will look everywhere BUT at the camera.  My human makes all kinds of noises and waits patiently for him to look at her.  She often needs to give up.  I’m the same – except I sniff at the ground.  Or eat grass.  Or eat snow.  We are temperamental subjects. So for every good photo of us, trust me, there are about 258 other shots with us looking elsewhere!
Before I forget, I have to tell you about a new delicacy that we have at our house.  You know our all time favourite treats – the Honey Beefers?  Well the company that makes them also makes something else.  And it is THE best way to get the Picky Picard to eat his food.  He actually DOES eat all his food over the course of the day – but not always immediately.  But if you want him to eat at LEAST 90% of his food at a particular mealtime, add Liver Dust.  Liver Dust.  Isn’t that just THE best name?  It’s basically dried liver that has been ground down and put in a jar like a seasoning jar.  And it has holes in the top – so you just sprinkle it on your food.  Mmmmmmmmm.  My human figures she could make the stuff herself  by buying dried liver  and grinding it- but the thought of grinding it in her coffee grinder is a bit iffy.   Could end up with some unique tasting morning brew if there are any remnants in the machine after grinding the liver.  Maybe she just needs to buy a grinder for liver.  Problem solved.  Anyway, she puts the stuff on the FG’s food and he loves it.  She gives me and Einstein some on our food, but simply to be nice because we devour our food – with or without liver dust.  If you have a picky eater at home – try some Liver Dust. And you will become the Liver Dust fairy.  Sorry.  That image keeps running through my head.
Anyway – have a good one!   Peace and paws up!
Seizure-free days: 39

Danger. Danger.

Well I feel I otter tell you this story as a warning.  Sorry – that’s actually  it’s a bad pun – about a serious situation.

Last week in British Columbia, Canada, a golden revteiver-cross, was nearly drowned by three otters!  Seriously.  The dog went in the water to investigate the wildlife, and before the dog walker knew it, the three otters had attacked the dog.  One was pulling on her tail, and other one was on top of the dog, probably attempting to drown her.   The dog walker waded into the waist deep water, and pulled the dog away from the crazed otters.
This story really illustrates the need to be vigilant when it comes to wildlife.  There have thankfully been no more reports of coyotes on our road, but my human has been carrying a walking stick when we go out after dark – just in case.  Besides dangerous mammals, in other areas, dogs need to be careful when it comes to venomous snakes.  We don’t have any deadly snakes in Nova Scotia – but I creatinly know that in places in the US and Australia, it can be a real concern.  There are even training programs to teach dogs snake aversion. Thank goodness we don’t have tha to worry about too.
As spring is approaching (we hope) one also needs to be careful around ice on lakes.  We are quite surprised at how open our lake is already.  There is ice along the shoreline, but the middle of the lake is open water.  My human will NEVER forget the time Paxton took off and headed down to the lake around this time of the year.  My human expected him to race right back, but when he was gone for more than a few minutes, she went down to find him.  He was racing along on the ice, and didn’t want to come back on the shore, because he would have actually needed to go in the water.  I’m not sure how he got on the ice in the first place.  My human tried to coax him from the shore, but he just kept running back and forth – and she feared he would start running toward the center of the lake – and open water.  So she did the only thing she thought she could do at that moment – she went in the freezing cold water.  She knew it was not over her head BUT she was wearing rubber boots – which quickly filled with water.  She somehow managed to grab his collar, and dragged him off the ice – thinking she had better move quickly – or they could both be in big trouble. Once he was in the water he headed for the shore and got out quickly.  She slowly followed with the filled rubber boots. She dumped the water and raced up to the house with her freezing feet and one very wet and cold Bernese.  Since then, no dog who likes the water is allowed off leash at this time of the year. She doesn’t have to worry about us PONs – just the THOUGHT of cold water stresses us out!   But she wouldn’t want to see the FG running loose down there.
If a dog goes through ice, the first and BEST thing to do is call 911.  Emergency professionals know what to do for ice rescues – and they will be able to perform the rescue safely.  Hopefully you will never need to do this, but really – do not attempt an ice rescue on your own.
Who knew that being in the great outdoors could be so dangerous. From wild animals to icy lakes, it’s importanat to be careful and vigilant.  And remember to leave wildlife alone.  Except for bunnies….mind you…I suppose a bunny COULD run out on that frozen lake….At least he would if he was smart and trying to get away from us PONs!
Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!
Seizure-free days: 38