
July 30.  Today, accord the crazy calendar is International Day of Friendship.  And my goodness- the internet has certainly opened up a whole new world of international friends.  On Facebook, for example, when people have common interests like PONs or Picards or antiques or ferrets or sports or cars or porcupines- they can “meet” like-minded individuals from around the world – and can become “friends.” There is no shortage of pet related sites where you can meet “friends” who are interested in training dogs, people who want to talk about dog food,  people who want to talk about showing dogs and people who want to talk about dog health conditions.

There are of course lots of personal dog pages, like mine- and we have made all kinds of “friends “ through my site and my blog.  My human has had the opportunity to actually meet some of these virtual friends from the US, and across England,  the Channel Islands, Scotland, Wales , the Netherlands, and France, (when she went to Crufts).  We will be meeting a virtual Picard buddy in a few weeks who will be visiting Nova Scotia from the US.  We are looking forward to that!!!
I looked at my blog readership the other day, and I see that in addition to the folks listed above, people in the following countries read about our crazy adventures:  Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, South Africa, Poland, Philippines, Peru, Malaysia, Japan, Germany,Australia, Italy and Austria. Some of these are our “friends “ and some are silent lurkers.
If humans are lucky, they have a couple of real, true friends, who can be counted on through thick and thin. It’s important to treasure those individuals.  
And then of course, you humans know who your very best friends are –  us canines!! We are there for you when you are happy, when you are sad, when you are tired, when you take us for a walk, when you come out of the bathroom and when you get up in the morning and look downright scary.  But we don’t care how you look – or what we do- we just like being with you. Because that’s what’s friends are for!!
Happy day to all my international friends- whether or not we have ever even met!  Have a good one!  Peace and paws up!
Seizure free days:  69

Cool old dog stuff

My human got a gift the other day.  Just because.  No special occasion.  But because she has some good friends who know about her passion for old dog “stuff.” So her friends happened to come upon a yard sale and spotted some things they thought my human might like.  And one of them was this framed photo,

We don’t know who this girl is.  Or exactly how old the photo is – but I am willing to guess it is a few years older than my human.  Which means it is really old.
The girl sure looks like she loves her dog.  And he looks pretty serious about his role as protector.  I’m not sure if the stuff on the floor is dog toys or child toys.  It kind of reminds  me of what our house looks like – so I think they are dog toys. If anyone knows who she is, let me know….
Just think.  Some day a hundred years from now, somebody will find 25,000 photos of two PONs and a Picard, and will wonder who they were. And why the human took SO many photos!  That’s probably an underestimation.  It will probably be closer to 100,000 photos. 
My human also got this cool statue to add to her collection – also from the same friends.  Another girl and her dog. 

Aren’t they cute?!

On a different note, while we are happy for summertime, I must confess we are a bit bored. It is currently so hot and muggy during the day that we don’t even go out. My human doesn’t even want to play fetch with us, for fear we will get overheated. We get our walks in the morning at 5:30 and our evening walks – but that’s about it.  We lounge around, pant and drink water.  Lots of water. I know I shouldn’t be complaining – we aren’t looking forward to the luge run driveway – but just a TINY break in the heat would be nice.  I NEED to fetch.  Heck.  With this heat, I almost feel like swimming.  Sure I do….
Have a good one.  Peace and paws up,
Seizure free days: 68

Water safety

It’s July 28 and it’s National Drowning Prevention day. Now while the PONs in this house are not huge fans of the water- many PONs do like it – and do like to swim.  We certainly can swim – and have been in our lake, but it’s not something we love to do.  Unlike the FG. Who QUITE enjoys the water.  

But contrary to popular belief, not all dogs CAN swim.  That includes dogs who are Brachycephalic.  That’s your word for the day.  It refers to dogs who have short muzzles and faces that are squashed in – or flat-faced.  It includes breeds like Bulldogs, Pugs, Pekingese and even some Boxers.  These breeds may have a hard time keeping their faces out of the water to swim.  So they are not proportioned in a way to make swimming easy.
As well, dogs with short legs may also be unable to swim easily – like Basset hounds or Dachshunds. 
When those breeds are near water, they should probably wear a life jacket. Better safe than sorry.
While on the topic of dogs and water, there is a cool sport that has developed since the late 1990’s, for dogs who like the water- and who like to go after a toy.  It’s called Dock Diving.  Basically, a dog waits on a dock-like structure in front of water.   A toy is thrown into the water,and they measure how far the dog can jump into the water.  There are actually competitions for distance and for height.  As I understand it, there are even organizations that run dock jumping in a different countries.  
I have seen that there are Picards who participate in this sport.  But I haven’t seen any PONs.  I’m not sure why.  It seems that the breeds that are considered to be “naturals”for this sport include Goldens, Labs, and even Border Collies.    It appears the record for longest jump is just over 31 feet.  I vote that the FG try it.  We’ll cheer him on.  Better him than me.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand.  Water safety.  If you’re out boating this summer, and you’re not a great swimmer, don’t forget your life jacket.  Personally, I think I should wear one at bath time.  Like I said before, better safe than sorry.  Or better yet…skip the bath.  Safety first.  That’s my new motto….
Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 67

We passed!!!!

Well.  We passed.  The new dog sitter came and interviewed us yesterday, and we behaved.  Well as much as we behave.  She was introduced to the incessant greeting barking of Einstein, the leaping of the FG and his compulsory kisses and my obsession with getting into the garage to get into the dog food bin. She witnessed our mealtime routine, with the vacuum PONs and the Picky Picard. She got the tour of the house, stepping over dog toys and bones and learned to close doors behind her especially for rooms that contain toilet paper rolls.  She saw my medication routine and most importantly, learned where the treat jar is.

And after all was said and done, she agreed to stay with us!!!!  And my human was THRILLED – because she is VERY nice.  She’s a trained veterinary technician – so she knows all about animals – AND about behavior and health.  Plus did I mention she is very nice?  She will be staying with us for a couple of nights in a few weeks.   My human isn’t letting us know just when that will be.  Honestly, it doesn’t really matter – we thought she was pretty cool – so we know we’ll be in good hands.  
Today is Friday – and my human is ALMOST done with work!  She is apparently going to the office on Monday – and that’s IT until September!  I have to start working on her agenda for the month.  Walking.  Playing.   Giving treats.  Playing.  Walking.  It is going to be a MARVELOUS month.  Excuse me while I go and work out her schedule…
Happy Friday!  Have a good one!  Peace and paws up !
Seizure free days: 66

The interview…

We are doing an interview today.  Or really… it’s probably the other way around.  Rumor has it that a NEW DOG SITTER is coming to meet us tonight.  Rumor also has it that my human is going to be going away for a few days – SO we will be having a sitter some time in August.

The last time my human went away was last November to something called a conference.  SUUUUUUUURE it was hard work.  Anyway, we had a super sitter from our Vet clinic come to stay with us. She and her partner stayed with us – they fed us, walked us and played with us.  We really liked them.  BUT – they recently got their own canine kid, so are no longer doing the dog sitting gig.  At least that’s what they SAY.  My human says we push dog sitters into retirement.
It’s not easy to find a sitter – especially if the person reads my blog.  I’m not sure if this new sitter does.  Probably not.  I do know that my human sent her pages of instructions to look over before we meet her today.   Poor woman.  If she shows up, that will be a good sign. 

We have been instructed to be on our BEST behavior.  Whatever that is.   I’m betting my human will have pockets LOADED with goodies. You KNOW what we are like when we have visitors.  Total PONdemonium.  AND the leaping Picard.  No doubt my human will give us a quick brushing before the woman arrives.  That way at least we will LOOK presentable.

Stay tuned.  I’ll let you know if we pass…or if she suddenly looks at her calendar and realizes she is “double booked…”

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!
Seizure free days: 65

The christening

Less than a minute.  That’s all the time it took for the newly painted deck to be christened.

My human has been waiting to let us out on the deck for over a week.  I’m not sure why – it was dry within hours.  I guess I know the reason.  She didn’t want us peeing on it.
She cleaned the BBQ, a favorite target and even went out and bought a new cover – so there would not be the pee smell from the old cover.  She debated whether she should ever let us out there – but that seemed silly.  So the other night she gathered us up- with her squirt gun in hand.  First she took us outside and made sure each of us had a big pee.  Then she brought us in, stood by the deck door and gave us the speech: “OK.  The deck is newly painted.  It took a lot of work.  It is fresh and clean.  I don’t want anyone peeing on it.  I have my squirt gun – so if any of you squirt, I will squirt.”  We all looked at each other and rolled our eyes. And then she opened the door.  And like cows being released from the barn after a long winter, we raced out.  And she followed, repeating “No peeing. No peeing.” 
Einstein raced to the BBQ with the new cover and inspected it.  My human threatened him with the gun.  He ran off.  I just walked around checking out the paint job.  She watched me and was trying to keep an eye on all three of us- like a goal tender at a soccer match.  And then , before she could blink she watched as the FG raced to the wall and lifted his leg.  She shouted “nooooooooooo”.  Too late.  The deck had now been christened.

She went inside to get a pan of soapy water to douse the offending puddle.  I should note that she looks at me and Einstein as she went in the get the water and said, “don’t even THINK about it.”  We kept our pee to ourselves.  For now.
Of course we then needed the obligatory new deck photo shoot.  We cooperated because the treats were good.
Next week the painting indoors will begin.  I can hardly WAIT for THAT adventure…
Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 64

Who is smarter?

So here is evidence that food outweighs intelligence in us PONs.

We PONs are smart.  Super smart.  We can figure out puzzles, plan and execute escapes and we learn tricks in lightning speed – if treats are involved.  And they say we never forget.  But every day I watch Einstein and he does something that doesn’t appear he has learned something. Or that he is very bright.  Every day, every meal, we are fed the SAME way.  We each have our own meal location- and because the picky Picard is slower than us vacuum-PONs, he is fed in the front hall, with the door closed.  But we can see him because it’s a glass door.  And every single meal, my human looks to see if he has finished his meal, or if there are leftovers.  If there are leftovers, she holds back Einstein who is drooling at the door, she goes in and picks up the bowl.  We are never allowed his leftovers.  Ever.  So – if my human just opens the door, the bowl is empty.  Completely, totally empty.  I mean I’m talking not a crumb. And you would think Mr. Intelligentsia would KNOW the difference.  Door open equals no food.  Nope.  Einstein bursts through like there is a huge sirloin steak just sitting right there in the open.  EVERY time.  Now I confess, he is a bit smarter than me – but seriously- I don’t throw myself into that hall like I haven’t eaten in 3 weeks.  I know there is nothing there.  Sure – I’ll look around to see if he dropped a kibble, but I sure as heck don’t bolt into the room like I have been told there will be no more food for a week.  It’s crazy!
So I’m thinking…I have a blog.  I run away but always come back.  I don’t burst into a hallway for an empty bowl.  Maybe I’M the smarter one!!! Mind you, I DO eat dryer lint…
Have a good one. Peace and paws up!
Seizure free days: 63

Space dogs

July 22. On this day in 1951, two dogs by the names of Dezik and Tysgan, made history as the first dogs to make a sub-orbital space flight.  They flew to a maximum altitude of 110 km. and they survived the flight. These two led the way for many other dogs from the USSR to fly in space.  Although these two were lucky on their maiden voyage, poor Dezik wasn’t so lucky on another flight just a week later with a dog named Lisa.  They sadly both died when their parachute didn’t open.  Tsygan was adopted by a scientist.

Some interesting facts about the flying canines….female dogs were used because of the design of the spacesuits and the way that they collected pee and poop. They had some kind of device that worked with females.  They usually used stray dogs because they felt they could tolerate the stresses of being on their own. They ate some kind of jelly-like protein and unfortunately, lots of dogs were constipated when they returned home.
I read that a dog named  Bobik ran away just days before his flight in September 1951.  Smart dog.  Must have been a PON. And note I said HIS. Mind you he wasn’t the only one to take off – a female by the name of Smelaya also took off the day before her flight.  But they found her – and off she went. Luckily, her flight was successful.

Let me tell you – nothing about this gig sounds the least bit appealing to me. It’s dangerous, you are in a confined space, you eat jelly AND you have to wear attire.  What part of this sounds like fun?  I guess in knowing that you contributed to science…Personally, I would rather be in an experiment testing different dog foods. Now that sounds like fun.
I think I’ll just keep my job as a household guardian.  And comedian.  I’m happy just to LOOK at the heavens!
My human was what some would call a blob yesterday.  She took us for long walks, and then did something she never does. She watched a video and took a nap.  On top of that it was a rainy day – so she had an excuse not to take us for more walks. Given how busy she has been lately with work, we let her have the day to be a human sloth.  But today is a NEW day. 
Time to get her moving!
Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!
Seizure free days: 61

Could have. Should have.

Today according to the Crazy Calendar is “Toss Away the Could Haves and Should Haves Day.”  This is 100% a day that is a purely human holiday.  Humans play the “could have” and “should have” game ALL the time.  They ponder the past.  They berate themselves for something they could have done, but didn’t.  They probably spend more time thinking about things they can’t change than they do thinking about living in the moment.  And enjoying that moment.

Unlike us dogs.  We are pretty much here and now kinds of creatures.  Sure – we do have memories that are imprinted in our brains. And we DO remember people and places and smells.  AND routines.  
But trust me.  Although I DO discuss my occasional lapse in manners and my odd bad behavior,  I REALLY don’t spend time thinking about could haves and should haves.  None of us dogs do.  And that’s probably why you don’t hear about lots of dogs having high blood pressure.  Or ulcers.  
It’s not to say one shouldn’t learn from past experiences- but as they say, once the front door is left open and the PON runs out,  no point in grumbling about it.  Just go and get the PON and take him for a walk!  Get over it!  Enjoy the sunshine.  Get some exercise. No point spending a half hour moaning that you  should have latched the front door.  Besides, Einstein would have probably opened it anyway!
So today all you past minded humans- give your mind a rest.  Enjoy every now moment.  Basically…act like a dog.
Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days:  60!!!!!


So according to the Crazy Calendar, today is Nap Day.  Really.  Hello?  EVERY day is Nap Day for us canines.  Did you know the average dog sleeps 12-14 hours each day?  That includes the time our human is sleeping and then all the naps we take during the day.  Here is a very cool Infographic that explains dog sleep:

You see that 45% of dogs sleep in their human’s bed.  My human only recently left her sleeping post on the couch and returned to her bed.  Where she is joined by one or more of us throughout the night.  Actually, it has been a bit warm lately – so all of us have actually preferred to sleep on the floor.  She can only leave the pillows she is using on the bed – for fear one of us (namely me) will chew on any extra pillows.  It’s a bit tricky to chew on pillows  while she is actually using them.

My human LOVES to nap – although she rarely does – she seems to always be busy, lately.  But really, she can pretty much fall asleep anywhere.  He colleagues at work often remarked that they don’t enjoy her company while flying, because as SOON as her flight rolls away from the gate, she is sound asleep.

The dogs in this house are creatures of habit who wake my human up pretty much at the same time every day.  We know the drill.  And don’t care if it is the weekend.  Surprisingly, the FG is not really a morning dog.  He’s the last to get moving.  Mind you, when he starts, he never stops.

The ONLY time we PONs are slow to get up is when the weather is bad.  Like the other morning.  We heard the torrential downpour so when my human got up, NOBODY moved.  Usually we are doing the morning happy dance.  Nope.  Like statues we all pretended to be asleep.

Today my human ends what she calls a rewarding time at work.  A program comes to an end and while she will be sad to see it over, she IS looking forward to a break.  One more week and come August 1st, she will have time to actually take a nap!!!!!

If we let her….

Happy Friday!  Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!
Seizure free days: 59