Pre New Year

Hey blogaroos. Squirmy here with some pre-New Year’s Eve thoughts. But before I get to those, some updates on the joy of having company!

So here’s the thing. In our usual life, we typically go for walks with one or at most two of us at a time. BUT when one has company- with four hands and you add to that the Warden’s two hands – you get six hands and well, guess what?! All three of us can go for a walk at the SAME time!

So on Tuesday morning, after complete and utter chaos which included much barking, squeaking and jumping just to get our leashes on to get us out the door, we all headed out for a morning constitutional on the golf course. The ground was frozen, the wind was pretty much non- existent- AND the Warden had her pockets STUFFED with treats. The Boss and I were let FREE and we had a wonderful time. We pretty much responded to recall commands with 99% accuracy. Well the Boss did. I was on bunny patrol. Meanwhile, the Coyote who we all know is a flight risk, did his walk on leash. We all had a glorious time.

Yesterday morning, we awoke to find a few inches of snow blanketing the world. We all again headed out for our morning walk, but for some reason, the Warden was feeling frivolous. We got to the golf course, and she instructed her sister to “let him free.” Referring to the Coyote. She figured that IF he took off, there were two canines and three humans to track him down. Literally – because of the snow. And like a scene from one of those lion documentaries where the former zoo resident is released into the wild, the Coyote realized his freedom and promptly took off for the woods. With his sidekick (that would be me) in hot pursuit. Meanwhile, the reliable good dog, stuck with the humans every step of the way. When he wasn’t trying to remove balls of snow on his feet.

My Buddy and I disappeared for what seemed like an hour, but was more like 30 seconds, and then we continued on the walk – with the Coyote at a safe distance. He didn’t want to get too close to the humans for fear of imminent incarceration. Meanwhile, I did return from time to time just to pick up treats.

All in all though, it was a good walk and the humans were able to capture the Coyote at the end and bring him back home. The Boss and I were the first to meet up with the tub and a shower of warm water to release our snowballs. Which had formed in some rather uncomfortable places. It was a perfect morning!

And you know, that got me thinking about the New Year. We all know that the plague has made life…different. It has prevented things from happening and has changed lives in many ways. But I suppose, it has also made us appreciate the little things in life. Like a perfect morning walk. Or a sunny day. Or the love of a dog – who is oblivious to pandemics and is just as happy to spend more time with you.

We dogs wake up in the morning, happy to just be. Happy for a meal. Happy for a treat. Happy for a good belly rub or a butt scratch or an ear massage. Happy to just hang out with the ones we love. We take wonder in butterflies, in smelling something, in rolling in the snow or in simply lying in a sunny spot in the kitchen. Humans DO have complicated lives but sometimes I think they need to just be more dog-like. For even a few minutes a day.

So in the New Year, I wish for you the joy that we dogs feel most of the time. I wish you love, luck and laughter. 2022 is a new chapter in your life. You’re the author. Decide how the story will go.

OK. The boss actually wrote this last part . But he said I could use it. I hope I grow up to be wise like him! See you next year!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Day one rocked

Howdy blogaroos! Squirmy no-bite Wormy here after Day One with COMPANY! Sue and Keith arrived after some false alarm COVID drama – BUT everybody is good and thankfully they were able to come.

As usual. I did my traditional ricochet greeting, and only tried to bite them a couple of times. Yesterday was a beautiful day, and even though we guys had been out for a couple of short walks, guess who got to go with our guests and the Warden on a HIKE? Yup. ME. Why me? Because they were trying to exhaust me. They walked 5 km, and I probably covered 6, because they let me loose for a brief period, and I covered way more ground running back and forth in the woods. I was on leash for MOST of the walk, just because the Warden didn’t know if we would come across any other hikers. Or dogs. Or wild animals. Like bunnies. I don’t know why she was worried – I was wearing my giant bell – so I would scare away most wild creatures. We did run into a few hikers and one lady said, “ well I could sure hear you coming.”

I got to see a dam and waterfall, and I didn’t drag the Warden into the water. Although I thought about it.

When we got home, the Warden fully expected that I would lie down after my exciting walk. Nope. I wanted to show that I have lots of energy -so I promptly came in the house and ran in circles around the dining room table. The other guys just looked at me.

I’m not sure what’s on the agenda for today – but I think I’ll start them off with my regular morning walk. That should be an excellent beginning to their day. Mind you, it’s not like they can sleep in with the regular morning serenade by the Boss. The Warden did leave ear plugs in their room…I don’t think they work well enough for that racket.

OK. Gotta go!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.


Boxing Day

Howdy doody blogaroos! It’s Squirmy here on fighting day! Wait. The Boss said it’s BOXING day. Boxing, fighting… what’s the difference? I hear some humans DO get into fights for all the after Christmas sales. Although I think the after Christmas sales started like December 1st. It’s all so confusing. Humans are like that.

So we had a pretty quiet Christmas. With all the gathering limits lowered here in Nova Scotia because of the plague, the Warden couldn’t join a friend’s family for Christmas dinner – because she would have put them over the limit. But not to worry – they brought her a big plate of Christmas dinner- so she didn’t have to eat my training hot dogs. Thank goodness.

As usual, unlike the words of the popular Christmas carol which says “all is calm” – our household was anything but….

On Christmas Eve morning, the Warden took the Boss and I down to the lake for our morning constitutional. It was cold and windy – so we were protected by the woods. Yours truly was wearing his trusty bell to warn wildlife of my approach. Well, that’s what the Warden says. It’s REALLY so she can hear me when I bolt off in the woods- and she can’t see me. Anyway, we did our jaunt and when we returned, she told the Boss to wait outside. She was going to take him up to the road to get the paper. He’s trustworthy off leash. Me – I’m a wildcard. So she took me in the house , left him out and went to take my bell collar off. At which point, the Boss, who was waiting outside, pushed the unlatched door open to see what was taking so long. So you KNOW what comes next. Open door = escaped Picard.

The Warden watched as the world went into slow motion. She knew it was pointless to call his name. He rarely responds to it. I’m thinking we should change it.

Anyway, he bolted out the door and around the house to the trail that goes to the lake. The Boss and I just stared at the Warden. “GO GET HIM” she shouted. So off I ran, with the Boss trailing me. The Boss kept stopping to look at the Warden as if to say “do we REALLY have to find him?” The Warden caught a glimpse of his tail so she knew what direction he was headed. She was worried because without my bell collar, she didn’t know where I was either. She figured I was chasing the Coyote.

We all ran down to the lake, and then, because she does have moments of brilliance, the Warden took a cross trail to cut us off if we continued on the circular trail back to the house. BINGO. She met us coming up from the lake. She gingerly approached the Coyote – for fear of sending him off in another direction. And like a cowboy, she lassoed him with a leash. So his short parole was over. And the Local Lost Dog Network didn’t need to be notified.

On Christmas morning, we found that Santa left gifts for us under the tree. I guess he lowered or modified his definition of naughty – because yours truly got one too! The photo you see is before the rip fest began. Within seconds I had my gift unwrapped. The Boss unwrapped half of his and then stood and barked at the Warden because it wasn’t edible. It was these super tough indestructible hard rubber chew things. The Coyote didn’t want to bother opening his. Anyway, I started chewing and chewing. The Warden watched me like a hawk. I left mine and started chewing the Boss’s because he didn’t care. Then I went back to mine. The Warden was SO impressed! They were standing up to jaws!!! She thought we could do ads for the company. She could see the money for modeling fees rolling in. Yeah – well 10 minutes later, I chewed off the first piece of rubber. All toys were collected and will probably be donated to some rescue that takes care of dogs without teeth. Good thing she also bought a bulk supply of bully sticks. THAT I can have!!

So after these “quiet” days, we’re really revving up for tomorrow. Sue and Keith arrive!! The ricochet victims return!! So the Warden gets Christmas all over again! Well – kinda for the first time, since the initial go round was pretty low key. Thank GOODNESS she had us to keep her hopping!

Time to practice my ricochet skills with the Coyote. The Boss said that’s probably why he ran away. But he’s wrong – the Coyote has always done that! Even before I came along. It’s his whole “call of the wild” routine.

I still think we should rename him. He needs a more “hippy-like” name to match his personality. Like Journey. Or Freedom. Or Nature. Or Sparrow. I found these on a Google search for hippy names. Of course I did. They also listed Arrow. I like that. I think I’ll start calling him that. Mind you, the one in this house who is sharp as an arrow is the Boss…. So I’ll keep looking…

OK. Gotta go walk my human. Have a good fighting day.

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

On this Christmas Eve…

Howdy blogaroos. Squirmy here for your holiday history lesson today. I know I don’t seem the academic type, but the Boss encouraged me to write this, so here we go. In 1832 (probably around the time the Warden was born), a guy by the name of Clement Moore had a poem published which was called several things- A Visit from Saint Nicholas or The Night Before Christmas. In 2016, a Polish Lowland Sheepdog by the name of Viktor, adapted Moore’s poem. Today, Viktor’s poem is bittersweet as he is now hanging out at the Rainbow Bridge – along with many of the dogs noted in this version. But we think his poem is deserving of a repeat, and you can substitute the name “Viktor” in the poem to any dog – like me – Wojtek! Check it out:

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,

3 canines were waiting for something other than a mouse.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

One had been chewed – so the toes were quite bare.

Two dogs were nestled all snug in their human’s bed,

While visions of dog treats danced in their heads;

And their human in her jammies, and Elroy in his crate,

Were feeling rather stuffed from all the cookies they ate.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

We raced to the door to see what was the matter.

Then away to the window we flew like a flash,

Barking and growling, a chair fell over with a crash.

The moon was shining on a pile of snow

Because it was dark out, the yellow parts didn’t show,

When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,

But a sleigh pulled by dogs, instead of reindeer,

With a jolly old driver and those dogs, so lively and quick,

We knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.

As rapid as greyhounds – those happy dogs came,

And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

“Now, Meg, now Wookie! now Hally and Chimo!

On Romi! on Zan! on Murray and Stacio!

Hurry Bisia, hurry Miri, hurry Sophie and Fudgee!

Quickly Taz, quickly Jackson, quickly Sherlock and Oly!

Wait Moo, wait Jack, wait Rigger and Milo!

Stay Wiggles, stay Nara, stay Edy and Solo!

Down Hattie, down Gidget, down Doman, and Fred!

Sit Nanny, sit Conner, sit Watson and Ed!

Come Sophie, come Thor, come Gatsby, and Beau!

Roll over Gipsy, roll over Dorey, roll over Kiszka and Flo!

Jump Maddie, jump Liam, jump Ares, and Tip!

Speak Romeo, speak Dudley, speak Logan and Jip!

Over the broad jump! Over the wall!

Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!”

So up to the house-top the happy dogs flew,

With the sleigh full of Toys, and yummy biscuits too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof

The barking and squeaking and each little woof.

As I drew in my head, and was turning around,

Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fake fur, from his head to his foot,

And his clothes were all covered in dog hair and soot;

A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,

He looked a bit frightening and Frodo wanted to attack.

But his eyes—how they twinkled! His dimples how merry!

He looked very friendly, he wasn’t so scary!

He looked at all 3 of us with a smile and held out a treat,

We happily took it – we’re always ready to eat!

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,

And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,

We were all sitting patiently watching in awe,

Our tails wagged in unison as we each gave a paw.

And laying his finger aside of his nose,

And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;

He jumped in his sleigh, after his dogs had a pee;

No one ran away – it was something to see.

And off into the sky the amazing dogs flew

Their driver trusted those canines – they knew what to do.

And I heard him exclaim as they drove out of sight, “Merry Christmas – behave Viktor – and to all a good-night.”

That was fun. Wish I had known Viktor. Although the Warden says that living with the two of us would have definitely put her over the edge. Whatever that means.

Anyway, on this Christmas Eve, I finally got my letter in to Santa. And my request? No clothes (that’s for sure!). Toys would be nice, but I do have lots. I see the Warden brought home some treats the other day, so I don’t NEED those. I have a comfy bed. A roof over my head. Two “brothers” to harasss, er, I mean play with. A human to train…. So what do I really want? Well it’s kinda simple. I wish that whoever is reading this can, for even a minute, feel the love that Christmas is all about. That despite the challenges they have encountered in 2021, they can reflect on their good moments and appreciate them – like a really special treat! It’s so easy for humans to focus on what they don’t have. They need to be more like us dogs – be happy for just being!

Merry Christmas dear readers. Sending you virtual licks and waggy tails from our house to yours. May you have a fabulous Baby Jesus Birthday Bash!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.


Howdy blogaroos! It’s December the 23rd. The last FULL shopping day for Santa. And I’m thinking this is IT for sending my letter via email or text to the guy in red. The problem is – I’ve been busy! I’ve had some classes this week, I’ve been on walks, I played in the snow (before it rained), I’ve been on delivery guy patrol – AND I’ve had to sit for several photo shoots. Yesterday the Warden said she is DONE with Christmas photos. You’ll see her favorite on Christmas Day- the snow shot we took a few weeks ago. And REALLY – she SHOULD have been satisfied with that. But no. It’s not Christmas until antlers or a Santa hat comes out. This year she decided to skip the antlers. But don’t be sad. She stuffed these little Santa hats with paper – and made us wear them. The Boss said they resemble dunce caps – but he doesn’t care – because these photo shoots involve treats.

Here he is on his own…

Then we add me…

Personally, I think I look like I just ate something that had a bad aftertaste. And that’s the best of 68 taken.

But then we add the Coyote. He was ALL excited to come into the “photo studio” aka garage while we were taking our photos. He was whining and crying to come in. And then, once the Warden wrestles (literally) to get all of us in place, the Coyote wants no part of it. I’m almost afraid to post these photos for fear someone will report us to animal control because he looks SO depressed. Check him out:

This is when he first sat down and realized that attire was required. He’s giving the Warden the stink eye. And I’m not exactly sure where the Boss is looking.

Here the Boss and I started rocking back and forth to Feliz Navidad. I’m really getting into it. The Coyote is mortified.

Now I’m bored…

Here the guys started making fun of me:

I think this is the best one. The Coyote is slightly less mortified. Note his hat has no pompom. I pulled it off. Maybe that’s why he’s cranky…

When the hats were removed, the Coyote was a BIT happier…

You’ll note the individual tree shots up above. That required duct tape to stick us to the floor (OK, just me) – so I wouldn’t go crazy around the Christmas tree. Those shots involved really good treats.

OK. Gotta go finish my letter. The Boss said the deadline for letters from naughty dogs was December 1st. I hope he’s joking…

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Happy Winter!

Howdy blogaroos! It’s the Squirm man here to wish you a happy first day of Winter!!! Yup. It’s officially here. And we even have some snow! Although the fore-guess is calling for RAIN tomorrow. Yuppers. Lots of rain. So we’ll get to see if the latest pond that the Coyote and I started before this last snowfall, will hold water. The Warden wondered why I was so muddy one day- and she found the newest excavation site. It’s next to a large tree. Hope it doesn’t topple over…

So guess what?! Now the days will be getting longer! Yee haw! Right now we get up at daybreak and holy moly, after supper it’s dark out, so we feel like going to bed. Well at least everybody else in this house does. Not me. The Coyote thinks food is overrated and I think sleep is overrated. Hey remember those two nights of freedom that I had a couple of months ago – where I didn’t have to sleep in my crate at night? Well that parole didn’t last long and I’ve been in prison ever since. Yeah. Jumping on and off the bed, chewing sheets and trying to stand on the Warden’s chest wasn’t such a great idea. The Warden said she’ll let me free again. When I turn 10.

So the Warden finished a little project the other day. Her annual dog calendar. She’s been doing one every year for like a million years and a couple of years ago she started putting it on-line. She gets like fifty cents for every one that sells. I think she made $2.00 last year. And that’s because she bought two herself. Now this year she wasn’t going to do one. She thought NEXT year we would do a Where’s Wojtek calendar. She didn’t have enough of those photos to do one this year. Anyway, she wasn’t going to do our regular calendar, but a very nice long-time reader contacted her about it – so she did one after all. Thanks Jim. I only got 5 walks instead of 6 the other day because she was working on it. It can be found at:

After The Warden made it, she went to order one for us. Holy moly – the shipping fees the printing place charges are CRAZY. Really crazy. I mean they could send us guys ourselves to your home for the prices they are charging. She went with the USPS rate, which means we should have our calendar by April. And she’s supposed to be the smart one in this household?! Next year we’ll look at more affordable options – AND we’ll have it done before December. Jim, can you please remind her in like July? Thanks!

I still don’t have my Christmas list done. I’m running out of time. And paper. I’ll just send an email. Or a text. Anybody got Santa’s contact info? Will he have to wear a mask on his long ride? I’m sure he has his booster by now. Holy heck – he could be the ultimate super spreader.

OK. Time to enjoy the snow before it melts! Happy Winter!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Not much new

Howdy doody blogaroos! Squirmy here on a snowy Sunday! Yup – another day of snowballs in the house. We bring them in – and we do a GREAT job.

We had snow a week or so ago – so the Warden decided to get us out to take a Christmas photo. It’s a good thing she did – because the next day it rained and all the snow melted! As always, the photo shoot was chaos. The Coyote either refuses to look at the camera, or if he looks, he has his ears all weird. After 4lb of cheese, the repetition of the word “stay” about 694 times AND a bunch of weird noises which I think the Warden learned in some on-line course for weird dog photo noises, she did manage to get a good shot. You’ll have to wait to see the result, but here’s a couple of shots of me running off with the Coyote’s scarf. I nearly strangled him getting it off.

The Warden is supposed to go to a friend’s place for a visit today, but if the snow keeps up, she’ll have to cancel. I’m secretly hoping the snow keeps coming so she stays home. Mind you, she did say something about indoor Christmas photos. She better cook up some steaks.

Not much new here. Shredding wrapping paper, barking at delivery guys, sticking our noses in every shopping bag that comes it the door – yup the typical Christmas preparation stuff. I went to class on Friday , but unlike the last day of school, there was no party. Mind you, if some fake dude dressed like Santa had shown up, chances are pretty good he might have lost some of the fur on his suit. Hey – that would have been a great distraction during our sit-stay practice!

I am told I better get my list in to Santa pretty quickly – time is running out. The Warden gave me some suggestions about what to request. I find that a bit odd. Do you think she and the guy in red work together?

OK. Time to get out in the white stuff. Chances are good that the Boss will attempt snow angels. IF it’s not too wet….

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

A word from the wise

Salutations blog readers. Frodo here on Friday, the 17th of December. Exactly one week to Christmas Eve.

The Imp is rather excited. He’s assuming that the distinguished bearded gentleman in the ruby attire will be bringing him some wondrous gifts. Apparently he has some delusion that his behavior this year was better than last. I beg to differ. His ricochet tactics have not decreased significantly, and frankly, I do tire of him pawing my face. I do allow him to lick my face and hair, because it’s better than a paw in the face. The FG will occasionally play with him, but even he has his limits. I still have much to teach that boy. I must confess, I’m glad to see he is following in my rally footsteps, but he still has a way to go. A long way. Still – I do like the lad.

Today I’d like to share some research with you – primarily because it occurred at Her Highness’s old work site – Dalhousie University. And it has to do with us canines – and our receptive vocabulary.

Her Highness didn’t participate in the study, but she would have been most happy to list our vocabulary terms. Things like treats and biscuits and hungry and time-to-eat. Interesting how so many revolve around food…

Of course we know the typical “training terms” like sit, down or flat, stand, stay, over, come, here, spin, twist…etc. etc. We know them. Whether we choose to DO them is an entirely different question. Perhaps that’s why she didn’t participate in the study…

Admittedly, we PONs respond to quite a few terms. The FG? Far fewer. Mind you- it probably relates back to the food aspect. We PONs will respond to things on the chance that we will be rewarded with some delectable morsel. The Picard continues to believe that food is a necessary evil. Try as I might, I will NEVER understand that.

Which brings us back to Christmas. My list would include anything edible. Including frozen blueberries and a slice of bread. The FG would prefer a subscription to the Nature channel on TV. I imagine a documentary about loons or sea gulls would make that boy quite happy.

Today the Imp has another class. Which means the FG and I will have total peace and quiet. You have NO idea how much we do enjoy his lessons. Because he is gone.

I hope as you enter the last weekend before Christmas, that you take some time to actually relax and savor the season. Yes – gifts are nice – but simply showing someone you care – by a phone call, or text can be equally meaningful. Take time to smile and give good wishes to strangers – even if they can’t see your smile behind your mask. Words carry power and a kind word goes a long way… Even we canines know that….

Happy countdown week.

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Picard observations

Yo. Blog people. Elroy here. The mops are busy doing something- either being brushed or learning some new rally moves, so finally I get to say a few words.

Now what should I talk about? Oh yeah. It was pretty pleasant having the whole house to myself the other day while they went to read some signs and walk around a room. Not my thing. They get all shaky and excited about stuff like that. Not me. I’d rather lounge around the house, listen for any unusual bird sounds, and just watch the trees “blowin’ in the wind”. Because you know, that’s where the answer is my friend. But I’m not sure the question.

Yeah, those mops are something else. Sometimes I think they need to take a chill pill and be more like me. Like when we play that “find the bunny” game. Personally, I play along for a bit to look like I’m interested, but I’d much rather stand by the lake and watch the waves wash ashore. I mean the first time I’m told to find that stinky stuffed animal, I DO look for it. On the counters, the dining room table, on top of the fridge…Yeah – they’re never hidden there – but ya never know. The mops frantically search everywhere like they’re looking for the last morsel of food they’ll be eating for 24 hours. Yours truly has a much more methodical approach. And then when I find the stinky beast, first I stare at it. And then it is flipped in the air – to be sure it’s dead. Mind you – it’s stuffed. The next time the thing is hidden, it’s 50-50 whether I’ll find it. Not that I don’t KNOW where it is – I just think it’s a pointless game. Ya know where ya put it, but then ya act like ya don’t. And then I get treats when I do find it. And let’s face it, treats are overrated.

Yeah, I’m the kinda guy who likes to throw Her Highness into a different kind of frenzy than the mops. I like the slow frenzy approach. Like the other day, we went for our walk in the woods, with me on a long line, and I got myself tangled around a tree. Her Highness kept saying “go around” and indicating that I should reverse my direction to untangle myself. I just stood and stared at her. She must have said “go around” at least 86 times. I just stood there. She started to grumble and headed into the woods to untangle me, at which point I promptly untangled myself. Just tryin’ to help her get in her daily steps.

Sometimes, I must confess that Her Highness CAN be pretty smart. I mean not smarter than me – but pretty smart. We actually like to play battle of the brains. Here’s another example. So, I’m a Picard, and it’s in my nature to be inconsistent. And picky. At least that’s what I say. Like some days, I eat all my meals. Then other days, I say “meh – no breakfast for me.” So the goal is to get Her Highness to top up my food with tasty things, like dried liver bits, or Parmesan cheese. And for the LONGEST time, she fell for my ploy. She would either top up my breakfast, or just pick up my bowl and feed me more at supper. She has to pick up my bowl or the mops would eat EVERYTHING. But then, one day I said “no thanks” to breakfast, and she just picked up my bowl. So then at supper, she put down my bowl and it contained like 3 kibbles. Seriously. What the HECK? She didn’t say a WORD. I was STARVING. By the next morning, I decided breakfast WAS a good thing. I ate the entire bowl which was extra full. And I’ve been eating breakfast every morning since then. So I guess she kind of won this battle. But that’s for now. And don’t worry- I didn’t REALLY starve that day. I DID get treats and stuff. Her Highness just wanted to see what would happen – and IF she could get me to eat breakfast, without begging and running back and forth to try different tasty toppers. She must have read the idea somewhere. Anyway, it worked. Like I said – for now…Yawn.

Well, time to do some yoga and get ready to play dodge the shark. That Imp is still a menace, but all I have to do is look at him sideways, and he DOES respect me. After he flies over me. Good thing I have such a laid back nature – or this zoo would be even crazier than it is already!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Rally on

Well howdy blogaroos. It’s Squirmy Wormy here – after an exhausting Sunday. Why? Because the Boss and I were entered in TWO honest to goodness real rally trials. Yup. Like real competitions. There was something like 58 dogs entered in the morning trial and a few less in the afternoon.

Now while we only live about 20 minutes from where the trial was held, and it didn’t start until 8:30 AM, the Warden had us up at 5 AM!! Why so early? Well. All Saturday night we had torrential rain AND thunder and lightning. And the pouring rain was supposed to last until mid-morning on Sunday. So…. She figured we would be soaking wet after our quick morning pee and poo – so she would need to dry us off before we went to the trial. BUT – the good news- the rain had slowed down A LOT – so that by 5:30 AM all of us had done our thing and didn’t require drying after all. Still -she likes to get to things early so we were packed up in Ludwig and on the road by 7:10. In the dark.

Now the Boss was on first in the Masters class. And truth be told – he’s still better than me. He knows all the moves. But unfortunately, he’s stuck with the same handler as me (who of course is the Warden)- and basically due to some handler errors, he did not get a qualifying leg in either trial. He watches the Warden ALL the time- so in the second trial he didn’t even see the jump coming – and crashed into it. But he shook himself off and finished the course brilliantly. The Warden was SO proud of him. They’ll try for Masters again.

And then there was yours truly. Now we KNOW I can be a bit…what’s the word…bonkers at times. Actually a lot of the time. So the Warden didn’t know WHAT would happen with me. I was in Novice. The Warden was allowed to take off her mask when in the ring – but she was SO nervous with me – she forgot – and wore it through my first run. I was a bit tentative my first few steps – but then, my brain woke up – and I had a BLAST. And guess what I scored? You’ll never guess. 100 out of 100. And guess what else? Not only was I the Highest scoring dog in my class – BUT, I got the highest scoring herding dog in the whole trial!

So two big ribbons – AND cash prizes. Unfortunately, my handler kept the prize money- she said it was hers. She better buy me some biscuits or something.

In the afternoon, I scored a 98/100 – enough to give me another High in Class AND more cash. So now I have 2 out of the three legs I need for my Novice title. But now there aren’t any trials until like March – so we have lots of time to practice. Here’s me with my morning ribbons. No envelope with the cash in the photo because, as I said, my handler took it. She said her rates are actually higher than what I won so I actually “owe” her money. She thinks she’s funny.

I have to send out a special thanks to our coach, Jane for helping and supporting us in our training. She has to put up with the Warden’s gazillion questions and she is always supporting and encouraging us to be the best we can be. She was there yesterday and I think she was pleased with our results!

So that’s the start to my rally and obedience career. Who would ever believe it? The guy who ricochets off people and does the zoomies around the dining room table. See – I CAN be good!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.