
Howdy blogaroos. Squirmy here on a Wild Wednesday. Things here in Nova Scotia have been pretty difficult the past few days – but thankfully we are very lucky and are safe.

It began on Sunday with a small wildfire in a subdivision outside Halifax. What started as small, quickly escalated- resulting in the immediate evacuation of thousands of people. It happened in an area about 18 km from our home. We could see the smoke from our home, but because of the wind, we couldn’t smell it. Communities down wind were not so lucky. The conditions were very smoky.

Many people were not home when the evacuation went into place – and they could not return home. They were sadly forced to leave their pets behind…

When one stable was not allowed access to trailers – the owner was forced to set her horses free. The animals ran for their lives…

So far, at least 150 homes have been destroyed. Completely. Many don’t even know the fate of their homes because the fire is still not under control.

We don’t have rain in the forecast until Friday or Saturday. Who would ever imagine our province could be so dry so early in the year….

The whole ordeal is so so tragic. It makes one think about what one would grab if they had minutes to leave home. I would definitely be reminding the Warden that the treat jar gets packed first.

Despite the horror of this situation, in times of tragedy, there ARE bits of good news. All of the horses that were set free were captured and only one suffered an injury. Efforts are being made to return to homes and rescue pets:

We know that the local training facility that we frequent has taken in dogs whose owners cannot have animals where they are now staying. Other facilities and organizations have done the same. Pet stores have jumped in to provide food, and all kinds of supplies to animals that need it. Veterinary clinics are supplying medications.

The fire is not over – but has not spread much. Unfortunately, other fires have started – and our local fire pales in comparison size-wise to a fire in the Western area of the province. It is massive and while the population base is not as high, homes and families are also being affected there. The province has issued an alert halting access to wooded areas for recreational purposes. Which means no hiking on Crown lands and trails. We’re lucky we can walk on our own property and no chance anyone in this household will be dropping any cigarette butts.

So we are safe. We are lucky. And we are grateful. And we are praying for friends who await the fate of their homes. We know several who have been evacuated.

It just shows you how your world can change in an instant….be thankful for every day you have…

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe. JBJ


Howdy blogaroos! Squirmy here on what is forecast to be a sunny Sunday. It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood (remember that song?!) and thankfully we have super duper neighbors all along our road. In fact – according to the crazy calendar, today is Neighbor Day. A day to appreciate your neighbors. We particularly like the neighbors with the cats…so you know what that means…

Yup. We had another round of catch the escapees. But I wasn’t involved. It was a repeat of previous escape attempts…the Boss was out having a pee, I was in the garage getting ready to go to training – and well…the Coyote took advantage of an unattended open door and went for cat visit. He bolted. The Boss followed.

The Warden knew where they were headed. Jumped in the car, and drove to the neighbors’ house and slowly drove down their long driveway. Sure enough. Both inmates were circling the house. The Coyote saw the Warden and bounced over to her with a big smile on his face. He was escorted to the vehicle and put in a crate. The Boss slowly walked over- knowing his fate. He was tossed into the vehicle and all returned home. The entire episode lasted about 5 minutes. Really. The Warden has become an expert wrangler.

The Coyote got to go for a long walk with our girlfriend Gena, the German Shepherd the other day. We’re lucky that she still wants to associate with us ragamuffins because she has entered a whole new social class – she won a Best in Show last weekend! How cool is that?! They didn’t get a picture together- they’ll have to next time. We always knew she was pretty- and we’re glad she is doing so well in the show ring! We need to get her pawtograph.

What else….oh! We have some blooper shots from our idyllic photo shoot the other night. As you may recall, this was the final photo…

The Warden was hoping we would all look at the sunset – AND we would feature “the tree.” First she tried to get us all sitting and facing the water. Except the Boss didn’t want to sit…

He finally sat – but kept looking at the Warden…

Even when we repositioned ourselves, he kept looking back….

Then – in an effort to get him to look out- she tossed a rock in the water. The Coyote jumped in to get it…

The Warden pulled him out. He was only wet up to his chest – you can see his wet legs in this photo…and me trying to figure out where to look…

Meanwhile, the Warden throws another rock. The Coyote and I look – but guess who is still posing for the camera…

Now the Coyote is looking back waiting for another rock to be tossed…note the Boss…

Finally after multiple attempts, the Warden gave up on the idea of all of us staring at the sunset and she regrouped us. This one is pretty good…

So much for a peaceful evening.

Time to get the Warden moving. The forecast is calling for another beautiful day. Plus we get to see who wins the contest for First One to Pee on the New Planters the Warden bought. My money is on the Coyote.

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe. JBJ.

A story with a moral

Greetings blog aficionados. Frodo here today for your reading pleasure. Our blog today is a bit different. It isn’t about any wild antics by the Imp. Or any escape attempts by the FG. Nor will I be discussing why I feel it is necessary to continually shout out instructions to Her Highness. All the time. Every day.

No. Today’s story is a bit of a moral. A story about why when things look gloomy or impossible- one must not give up hope. Because one never knows exactly how a story may end…

This story does not involve a dog – although I suppose it does in some ways because we are often pictured with the subject of the story. But really – the star of this tale is a tree…

We are rather fortunate that our abode is located on a lake. Well- I suppose I don’t really care for the water – as we know my aversion to dampness. But still – I do enjoy a walk to the lake – and we all know the FG LOVES the water. He loves going in it and he can stand and stare at the water forever while perched on his favorite rock..

Her Highness FREQUENTLY takes photos of the water. And in many of her shots there is a piece of land – almost like an island – which is often the subject of her photos. Allow me to share just a few from the dozens…make that hundreds she has taken over the years.

There are also multiple shots taken with us canines – but of course, most include the FG…

Occasionally yours truly will get close to the water. IF it is solidly frozen…

And there are shots with all three of us…

While I could post dozens more photos, I must continue the tale…

If you look carefully at the little piece of land in the photos- you will note a single evergreen tree at the very point of the peninsula. The little tree has often been the subject of its own photos…

And this is the tree in our story.

On January 7, Her Highness snapped this photo of the FG. And you’ll note the little tree.

We had a rather mild winter – and almost two weeks later, it almost looks like spring. But what do you notice in this photo?

The tree is gone. Well not actually gone – it has fallen over. Here is a closer shot and if you enlarge it, you can clearly see- the tree is bent sideways.

We had experienced a rather strong wind storm – and obviously the tree was a casualty of the storm. Her Highness was sad to see nature’s destruction. But sometimes things just must come to an end. Maybe.

Over the past few months, Her Highness has continued to take photos of the lake and the little island…

When you look closely you can see the tree. Still looking rather sad…for months.

But now for the interesting part of the story…As I mentioned earlier, life can sometimes be a challenge. You plan a nice walk. And it rains. You want a biscuit. And the jar is empty. You train for an obedience trial. And you fail. You want to take a photo of your familiar old tree – and it’s down. It’s over. That time, that moment is lost. But you just never know how life can change…

Yesterday morning we went for our morning walk, and it was a rather drab morning. Not overly picture worthy. We all trotted to the shoreline and did our morning surveillance- looking for geese or ducks or loons. And as we turned to head back to the house, Her Highness noticed something….

Yes. The tree is standing. Straight and tall.

There is no doubt some scientific explanation about bent trees righting themselves. No one owns that property so it is highly unlikely that someone helped the tree back up. But it is definitely back.

So the moral of the story is never count on a downed tree to stay down. I wonder if it made a noise…

One must never give up hope. The tree bent, but it didn’t break. Sometimes we… I mean trees are stronger than we think.

And even if the tree may go down again, there’s no point fretting about that possibility. Let’s just enjoy it for now. And take another thousand photos – like this one from last night.

May your day be hopeful- and may you take in the wonder of the world around you.

The next time – we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled tales of chaos. And the craziness that went into this peaceful photo….

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe. JBJ.


Howdy blogaroos. Happy Sunday. Squirmy here today with updates from the asylum.

Actually not much new here since Aunt Sue left. The Warden has been busy doing futile Spring cleaning and the weekly mowing has begun. Mowing our fenced yard can be a challenge. As soon as we know she has carefully ensured that there is no poop that she might mow over- and she has scoured every inch of the backyard to be sure it is completely poop free- we go out and poop before she begins. Actually- it’s the Coyote who answers Nature’s Call as soon as he hears the mower rev up the engine. Kind of like Pavlov’s dog. Except instead of drooling when a bell rings, he poops when the mower starts. Every. Single. Time.

Class was good on Friday. I didn’t attempt to eat any bumblebees. And no walk abouts during my “stay” exercises – so I was above mediocre.

Since our lives are currently rather boring, I turned to recent dog news for updates on world dog stories. The first was out of Montreal:

So people got bent out of shape because of the No Barking signs at the Dog Park. I’m guessing there were no PONs at that park. Holy squeak toys – the Boss could single pawedly cause a municipality to strictly enforce no barking at the dog park. The Warden thinks his hearing is getting worse – so he can’t hear his own barking. The guy barks for no reason. I mean sometimes it’s understandable- like when we’re going out for a walk and he wants to get moving. Or when we’re waiting for a meal and he wants faster preparation. Or when a delivery guy arrives. Or when he feels like he wants a biscuit. Or he wants EVERYONE to go to bed. Or when the Warden is reading and he just looks at her and barks. Like he wants a summary of what she has read. Or heaven forbid she’s in the shower too long. He must work for the Department of the Environment measuring water usage. He starts barking for her to come out. Those barking messages are clear. But sometimes he barks – just because.

Yet one more reason we don’t go to dog parks.

In other news in Canada:

Pretty enticing idea. The community is trying to show it is dog friendly. Which is a good thing. But will tourists really go there so they can push Fido around in the one stroller they have designated for this initiative? As the Warden’s teachers would say to her about an assignment: “nice effort.” But I’m thinking they might need a BIT more in the way of dog-friendly amenities. Like the trails they mention. Plus something like free biscuits would be a big draw for me. I think they need me on their marketing team.

Oh and one other story – that we must not forget. Bobi turned 31! Yup, Bobi, a dog in Portugal became the Guinness World record holder for the oldest living dog.

Bobi’s owners credit his longevity to the fact that he is fed human food and he lives a rural lifestyle. He looks pretty good in the videos I’ve seen. Although – just between you and me – I do think Bobi is carrying a few extra lbs. You know those photos in the Vet’s office that show what a dog should look like when you view them from above? And how you should be able to see a waist? Yeah well Bobi doesn’t exactly have one. Just sayin”. Yet another reason why I need more biscuits…So I’ll live to 31. Make it 32. So I can break the record.

OK. Almost time to get the Warden moving. Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe. JBJ.

Birthdays, bees and bumbles

Howdy blogaroos. Squirmy here with the latest updates from the asylum.

First off, the Coyote had a good birthday. We all had a treat hangover the next day. He shared his special treats with us – but I did note that he had some “extra edible concoction” on his dinner which the Boss and I did not get. Whatever it was, he liked it and didn’t leave so much as a single lick in his bowl. Lucky guy.

In other news, I had some drama in dog class. On Friday I went to class and was performing at my typical above mediocre level. All was plodding along and if I actually demonstrated a moment of brilliance, I was rewarded greatly. Treats were occasionally tossed – but I still haven’t mastered the treat catch yet. Try as I might, my accuracy is less than 50%. But I certainly try. At one point, I spied what I THOUGHT was a treat on the floor( from one of my missed catches) – and I quickly grabbed it. BIG MISTAKE. The Warden looked at me as I spit out a large morsel. And it was moving. It was a big fat bumblebee. I shook my head several times and made a yucky face. The Warden was worried I might have been stung – but within 15 seconds I was fine. The Bumblebee was shown the door.

On Sunday, the Warden took me to a training match. It was to try a new type of rally obedience that has not been offered in our area before. It’s put on by CARO – the Canadian Association of Rally Obedience. It’s similar to and also different from CKC and AKC Rally. At the higher levels one can do things like tunnels and weave poles – which are more like agility exercises than typical rally. CARO also has a “Working” track – where you perform exercises like those seen in CKC obedience- things like a retrieve over a jump, drop on recall, directed jumping…

Anyway, the Warden thought it would be good for me to try – partly because CARO allows you to give treats on the course for certain exercises. So THAT’S cool. As a result, it can be a nice way to “transition” to training with no treats. Plus it’s good practice and fun.

If you want more info about CARO, here is the website:

So on Sunday we went to the match- and she entered me in two tracks – the Working and Rally Novice. We only selected 4 exercises to try in Working – and miracle of miracles, I did them all. AFTER I visited with the “judge.”

And then a while later, it was my turn in Novice rally. Now keep in mind, I already have a CKC Rally Novice title. And this wasn’t that different. But holy moly, I walked in that ring and the Warden wondered who took her dog. She took her first step at the start line and yours truly sat there. Like a stuffed toy. She encouraged me along but it was like I was in the Twilight Zone. By the third sign she turned to the judge and asked to be excused. She was sooooo disappointed- because I’ve been doing well in training – but this was like going back to square one. Thankfully, Saint Jane – our trainer was there – and encouraged the Warden to take me back in the ring after everyone else was done. And so we did. And guess what? I was great. Someone snapped this shot of us going around the course – and it’s clear I was back in the game.

Professional athletes frequently seek the services of sport psychologists. I think we need one. At least the Warden does. She gets nervous- and then I say “whoa- this must be scary. Count me out.” At least that’s the way I see it. She gets scared because I’m still a wildcard. And it goes zippo like lightning down that leash. We’ll eventually work it out – we just need LOTS more matches. And LOTS more practice. Maybe I’ll be in a trial when I’m 12.

Ohhhhh – but one more thing about Rally. So the CKC stats for 2022 came out for the Top Rally Dogs in Canada. And WHO do you think was the Top Polish Lowland Sheepdog in Rally for 2022? The Boss!!!! And who was Number 3? Me!!! OK. So there were probably only three of us competing. But still. All three of us got there with good scores. So we’re happy to take the prize money. JUST KIDDING. We paid for that honor. And the ribbons. But you can’t put a price on the fun and bonding – and really – that’s why we do it!

So those are the major updates from the asylum. Oh – plus Happy National Sea Monkey Day. I can’t believe I almost forgot. Did you know the sea monkey-as-a-pet craze started in the early 1960s? Every comic book had an ad for the interesting little creatures- which were actually brine shrimp. The Warden always wanted them – but given a rather unsuccessful run with goldfish – which literally jumped out of the bowl, the Warden’s mother said “no sea monkeys.” You can apparently still get sea monkeys. I’d like some. But now it’s the Warden saying “no.” She said “I have three canine monkeys – I don’t need sea monkeys.” Spoil sport.

OK. Going to see the Borzoi Babes this morning. I’d better go put on some good smelling stuff so I don’t reek of woodland adventures. Gotta swoon the girls…

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe. JBJ.

He’s a veteran!!!

Greetings blog aficionados. Frodo here today – on a special occasion. Her Highness (being in full-fledged retirement mode) neglected to look at the calendar – and ALMOST forgot what day it was. I fear the results should she ever be administered a Mini Mental Exam – she would likely score poorly on any questions about dates. But I digress…

Today is the 7th birthday of the FG. Also known as the Coyote. To think I was a lad of 6 when the gangly boy arrived.

He arrived with what some would call his “Flying Nun” ears…

And despite his unique appearance, he quickly fit in with two mops. As he refers to us.

He is an introspective lad – who sees and hears things that even us PONs do not. Or perhaps we choose to ignore things – while he is acutely aware of everything in his environment. He has two favorite places – one of which is the lake – where he stands with two paws on a rock, staring out and just…observing. When Her Highness looks back at photos from the past year (and other years as well) so many of him are at the lake.

His other favorite spot is finding a ray of sunshine in the house.

Unfortunately, if he realizes one is attempting to take his photo, he will often move. The lad generally does not enjoy the pup-arazzi like yours truly – although he agrees to TOLERATE it. That said, headgear is still not appreciated.

But who can blame him?

He has become more tolerant of group shots – although one cannot imagine the acrobatics and sound effects that Her Highness must employ to get those ears up…

While he is the most imposing dog in the household, due to his size – his temperament is lovely – he never met a human he didn’t like. He can be taken to crowded areas, and behaves wonderfully- unlike the Imp who has had countless classes and can still appear wild on a leash. Now I suppose in all fairness- it evens out – because the Imp can be let off leash on our property, while the FG still remains a flight risk. His wanderlust remains after all these years – and it’s debatable at times, whether he knows his name. Her Highness has thought of starting all over with a new name – to perhaps get a more responsive recall. But something tells me it would not make a difference. His hearing is acute, but selective.

In the dog world, we canines are considered “veterans” when we reach the age of 7. So while the FG has entered the “mature” age in his life – one would hardly know it. He is spry, acts as an incredible watchdog – alerting to ANYTHING he hears at night, and he has even learned to enjoy blueberries in his “senior year.” He puts up with the antics of the Imp – and they continue to run a joint excavation company in the back yard. They are good buddies.

Happy birthday FG. We wish you many more years of listening, digging and loving. And you might as well share those birthday biscuits- you likely won’t want them anyway!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe. JBJ.


Howdy blogaroos. Sad Squirmy here. We’re all alone again. Aunt Sue has returned to Oldlostland. Back to Keith and the icebergs. She left Wednesday evening- and we were too sad yesterday to even write. Sigh. No extra bribery biscuits. Life is tough.

She came with me to class last week and noted how I am truly a Dr. Jekyll dog. I can look calm, easy-going and well-behaved in class. Meanwhile, I’m a raving lunatic at home. She thinks I have a screw loose. I just call myself a dog of many faces…Despite my tornado behavior- I think she kinda likes me. I trained her well to give me ear scratches and I even gave her kisses! When I wasn’t biting her or using her as a ricochet target….

So did ya watch Westminster? We didn’t see much but I know two things. An alphabet dog won Best in Show.. And when it came to PONs, my sibling won Best of Sisters. Wait. The Boss just told me that BOS stands for Best of Opposite sex. So if a boy dog wins Best of Breed, then the BOS goes to a girl dog. And vice versa. If a girl wins Best of Breed, then a boy gets BOS. The Warden knows the handsome boy who won Best of Breed – and then Szyszka won BOS. So big congratulations all around! If you missed the Herding group judging and want to see the Picard and the PON, you can check it out here:

I watched this and wondered why the announcer said we PONSs are strong-willed? Wonder where they got that idea?

So while my pretty sister was again floating around a ring, all clean and lovely looking and collecting ribbons, yours truly was racing through woods and digging, rolling in and eating mud. AND collecting an assortment of leaves and sticks to bring in the house. Plus yesterday- after the Warden vacuumed, she saw what she assumed was another piece of stick on the kitchen floor – and when she went to pick it up, it was squishy. It was my pet slug. She screamed and spontaneously hurled him – and then had to find him. She’s so dramatic.

So my sister did well at the show, and some alphabet dog won the big trophy. It was an ABCD. No wait. A QRST. Hold it. Let me look it up. Oh. It was a PBGV. A Petite Basset Griffon Vendeen named Buddy Holly.

I read one description of him that said he was “hardheaded, stubborn, happy.” He could almost be a PON.

What else is new? Well, the blood sucking black flies have arrived, which meant the Warden had to wear the full bug suit uniform while mowing the lawn the other day. So spring is really here. And just in time for bug season, yours truly did a real number on the already damaged screen deck door. You know how we basically pulled it out of the frame , creating our own dog door? Well I got a bit annoyed when we were sequestered on the deck while the Warden was vacuuming the other day- so I put a head-sized hole in the screen. So now, the bugs have full access. FULL access. The Warden has to decide if she’ll replace the screen in the frame OR put up some new screening that has magnets. The Coyote will never be able to go in or out. It’s something “new” so he’ll have to examine it like a scientist looking through a microscope. And pushing it open? This could be video worthy!

Today is something called Limerick day. We’ve written some in the past, but I decided to try my luck at a few. So here ya go:

From the time they are puppies, PONs are clever

They refuse anything edible almost never

They love to work and to train

Except in the rain

They completely steal your heart forever.

Picards are a very unique breed

Who are not always easy to feed

They are sensitive and kind

A more alert dog you’ll never find

With grooming, minimal brushing is all they need.

Three herding breed dogs owned a lady

And many a day drove her crazy 

One barked to no end

One acted quite Zen

And the third was far, far from lazy.

OK – those are the major updates from here. The Warden said she has some “plans” for me this weekend. That can be anything from a class to a trip to the pet store to a bath. Let’s hope it’s not the latter….

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe. JBJ.

Head to a museum

Hey there blogaroos. Squirmy here on another fantastic Friday. I am happy to say Aunt Sue is still with us- providing us with an ample supply of treats in an effort to bribe us from doing something bad (like running around with one of her good sneakers). She’s also very good at ear scratches. We have her very well trained.

According to the crazy calendar, today is Museum Lover’s Day. And, as usual, we like to remind you of the best museums that feature dog stuff. And there are several around the world. Check out these:

I honestly think we could rival any collar museum in this house. We have all shapes and sizes – from puppy size to Bernese Mountain Dog size. And we have some pretty fancy ones too. Which, when you REALLY think about it – is kinda wasted on us coated breeds. I mean ya can’t even SEE the collars. But then again, humans also spend money on fancy underwear – which isn’t generally paraded in public. So I guess it’s the same thing. Kinda.

Back to museums. Here’s a link to lots of cool dog stuff from the Smithsonian:

See anything there you’d like to display in your home? The Warden can find a few.

I think in honor of this day, perhaps you should go out and buy your dog a special new toy – so you can add to, what is likely, your very own “toy” museum. We certainly have one here. Although most of the current collection is still outside because yours truly likes to move around the “exhibits.” They’ll need gathering before the backyard mowing….

Well, almost time to get the girls moving. Let the ricochets begin!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe. JBJ.

The surprise…

Howdy blogaroos! Squirmy here on a terrific Tuesday. Better than the mangy Monday we had yesterday- with pouring rain and high winds ALL day. It was WET. BUT – it was OK because of the surprise we got Sunday night. Here are the clues…bigger than a bunny, sings better than the Boss (but don’t tell him I said that), makes a fabulous ricochet target, gives good ear scratches, and rhymes with poo. OK let’s make that rhymes with two. Did you guess? Why it’s Aunt Sue!!! She came for a short visit to enjoy our balmy Spring weather. Remember- she lives in Newfoundland where the ice bergs are still floating in the harbor. Keith stayed behind to keep an eye on them. Or maybe just to avoid any house projects – and there are plenty here. So who can blame him for staying home?!

Anyway, the ladies enjoyed the rainy day with us – and their activity level ranged from sloth-like blobs to frenzied project doers. They watch too many home renovation and decorating shows. One project took all afternoon- and it failed miserably. It involved hanging something on a wall – and while that MIGHT seem like a simple task – not for these two. They said they would continue today. Heaven help us all. Remember the multi-day wallpaper project…

I’m kind of hoping the rain stops today so we can go on some long walks with Aunt Sue. Yesterday, nobody wanted to be out very long – so we had short walks. Which just meant I had enough energy to do extra laps around the dining room table.

She did mention that I seem to be better behaved. I only bit her once. Just joking. But she did thing I am maturing. It’s because I’m 3! I think that has made a world of difference. Mind you, I DID disappear when we went out yesterday and the ladies were just about to send out a search party. I returned with VERY muddy paws and all kinds of sticks caught in my hair. They didn’t see the cause of my disappearance, although the Warden highly suspects it was bunny related. Those guys are out in full force right now- and you pretty much can’t look outside without spotting Peter Cotontail. And so far, they are faster than me. So far..,.

Anyway, time to get the girls up and moving!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe. JBJ.