Grinch again

Hey blogaroos. It’s Squirmy the Grinch again. I’m just not sure I’m crazy about all this Christmas stuff. This decorating is too much. Yesterday, the Warden went and got a TREE. For IN the house. She went to some big tree farm where you cut down your own tree. She actually thought about taking one of us along, but if I’m not mistaken, she took the Boss ONCE, and not only did he bark out his hello greeting to anyone he happened to come across, but he also was a muddy mess by the end of the adventure. And given all the rain we’ve had lately, it didn’t seem like a super good idea.

Anyway, she was gone for quite a while- no doubt trying to pick the “perfect” tree as she walked through acres of options. Rumor has it she took the little saw that the tree farm people gave her when she drove in- but she forgot two very important facts… 1. cutting a tree with a little hand saw is not so easy and 2. Finding a tree CLOSE to your car is important. She failed on both accounts. Luckily, as she was sweating while she was sawing away, and she was only through about 1/3 of the trunk, she heard a voice saying “do you need help.” For a second she thought she was hallucinating- plus the sweat was dripping in her eyes. She turned around and “low and behold an angel appeared”… just like in the Christmas story! It was a family, with four adults and two kids, carrying their tree – AND a chainsaw. The Warden took one look at the saw and her eyes nearly popped out of her head. Not only did the nice people cut down the tree- they helped her carry it to the car which was WAY farther away than she remembered. She was going to drag the tree. There wouldn’t have been a needle left. Yup. She had her Christmas miracle!

Meanwhile, we had no idea what she was coming home with. She ushered me and the Coyote onto the deck and shut the door. She let the Boss inspect her choice, and he got to witness the agony and hear some interesting vocabulary as she tried to get the tree in the stand. She hadn’t bothered to have the tree people bind it up. BIG mistake. As she was huffing and puffing and shoving and mumbling, the Boss plopped right down in the thick of things to watch. He got all comfy cozy to enjoy the entertainment- and let out a giant puffy. All of a sudden the aromatic aroma of evergreen was masked by the stink bomb. The Warden looked at him and said “Seriously?” He got up and walked out of the room.

Meanwhile, the Coyote and I were leaving olfactory art all over the deck door. When we were FINALLY allowed in, the tree was secure in the stand – and the Warden was beginning to put the lights on. She was determined to decorate the whole thing – she kept mumbling how much work it was. This was of course going on in the DFZ, so all we could do was watch, and listen for the occasional ornament crash.

I’m happy to report though, that although the entire day was spent putting ornaments on a tree we can’t even pee on, it’s all done! Because all the ornaments are glass, it’s doubtful I’ll get a close up view. She’s going to need a whole sirloin steak to keep my attention off that tree if she tries to take photos of us. She said she wonders if she could get sedation for me from the vet. She was just joking. I think.

Well – the forecast is calling for – get ready- RAIN again today. Since ALL the Christmas decorations are out (surely there can’t be any more elves hiding anywhere) , I’m thinking some Find the Bunny is definitely on the agenda for today. Or maybe we could play Find the Elf with one of those guys I see under the tree…..

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Not much new

Hey blogaroos. It’s a super Saturday and it’s me – Squirmy here – writing from the land of the Christmas explosion. Seriously- there are more Santas in our house than full poop bags in the garbage can outside. OK. Maybe that wasn’t such a good comparison. Or visual… But I bet you got the point.

So I had class yesterday and I was actually better than last week. The Warden thinks I’m starting to emerge from my “weird period”. I mean I’m still crazy – but not so worried about stuff again. My adorable sweet personality is coming back again. Still with the ricochets but that will always be who I am.

Hey – did you watch the National Dog Show? So if you didn’t- the Scottish Deerhound who won last year – WON again. First time there’s been a double winner in like a million years. Good for her.

But there was also a disappointing side to the show. So. The Warden sat down to watch the Group judging and got to quickly see the Picard and the PON as they introduced the herding group. BUT then they started the judging – and only showed CERTAIN breeds on TV. For the sake of time. Cough. Do you THINK they featured the PON or the Picard? Nope. We didn’t make the TV cut. A cute Pyrenean Shepherd won the group. Which was cool. Neither the PON or Picard made the top 4. Maybe that’s why they weren’t featured in the TV highlights. But still. We were disappointed. Well, OK truthfully we didn’t care. But the Warden did. Mind you, fame is a double edged bone. If a breed wins, it becomes popular. And if it’s popular, then people start breeding them like crazy to meet the demand. Which can screw up the gene pool. At least that’s my vast understanding of genetics. So maybe it’s good we lost. That’s it – always look at the bright side. I think.

The Warden seems to be doing some extra cleaning the past few days – so it appears something is up. It usually means one of two things – she is going away OR we are getting company. Haven’t seen any suitcases yet – so I’m putting my biscuits on company.

We have had LOTS of rain lately- but the weekend is looking sorta sunny. Longer walks again- thank goodness. Beats running around in the muddy backyard. And the multiple trips to the tub. I’m starting to look like a shaggy SharPei.

Gotta go. Time to pull. I mean walk.

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

It’s beginning to look a lot like…

Howdy blogaroos! It’s me – Squirmy the Grinch. And why am I a Grinch? Well because for the last two days, the Warden has been “decorating” our happy home for Christmas. And let me tell you, decorating can be boring. I was just a little pup last year – and apparently she had scaled things back because of the Great Pause. So I didn’t get to experience the Griswold Christmas. But not this year. Holy moly. Who knew all those Santas, elves, angels, trees, ornaments, reindeer,wreaths and Baby Jesuses were all actually IN this house. I’m not sure where they were all hiding. It took TWO DAYS for every elf to find his perfect location. And get this – she didn’t even put up the TREE yet. I’m not sure about this tree thing – she didn’t put one up last year. The Boss said we can’t pee on it. IF we ever even get near it – it will be in the DFZ.

Needless to say, as the explosion was erupting in the DFZ, I was watching and waiting for the first chance I could find to get in there. Those elves look tasty. So I did a tag team effort with the Coyote yesterday while the Warden was in the DFZ talking to a friend on the phone. The Coyote started scratching at the deck door, so as the Warden came out of the DFZ to let him out, while she was holding the phone in one hand and the gate in the other, I burst through the opening to get a better look at all the assorted Christmas tchotchkes. I immediately leapt onto the sofa for a good view, meanwhile – while the Warden was trying to usher me out, the Coyote dashed in and slid on a carpet narrowly avoiding crashing into a glass cabinet. I thought that looked like fun – plus I thought it could be a cool place to try our wrestling moves. At this point, the Warden had tossed her phone – while her friend on the other end could hear the chaos going on. And some choice vocabulary, not fit to print here. As the Warden tried to grab the Coyote, he leapt onto the sofa and I followed.

I do believe both of us lost some tufts of hair in the shuffle because we weren’t wearing collars. When she finally got us out and returned to her phone call out of breath, her friend asked if she was OK. Of course she was! She’s so dramatic. Now I can’t wait for this tree thing.

Today in the US is a big holiday called Thanksgiving. Lots of food, parades, football games, AND the National Dog Show from Philadelphia. Wonder who will take home all the biscuits this year. Last year was a Scottish Deerhound. Seems it’s about time a Polish Dog won. But I’m putting my money on a poodle. They always win. Here’s some info about this year’s show:

And speaking of parades – there’s the big Macy’s parade in NYC. Here’s a cool story about some little known events that have occurred at the parade in the past:

Who KNEW they used to let balloons go?! Imagine looking in the sky and seeing a hippo pass by. The Coyote would go wild. He likes to watch birds. A hippo? His head would explode.

Now I probably shouldn’t point this out – given that’s it’s Thanksgiving and a day to be nice…but did ya happen to notice that two of the parade disasters involved CAT balloons- Felix and the Cat in the Hat?! Just sayin’. Oh and the most beloved balloon? Snoopy. A dog. I’ll say no more.

Anyway, I decided to plagiarize this next part from words which Viktor wrote some years ago. No matter WHERE you live, it’s important to be thankful for so many things in life. Like Kongs. And treat jars. And walks in the sunshine. And as Viktor wrote:

Be thankful for the fact that you have the ability to read this blog! Not everyone can.

Be thankful that you have a computer or other electronic device that you can read this blog on.  Not everyone does.

Be thankful that you have the electricity to run your device.  Not everyone does.

Be thankful that you have been owned by or are currently owned by a dog.  We bring so much joy to your life.  Most of the time…

Be thankful that you woke up this morning to celebrate a new day.  Not everyone will…. 

So take a moment to give thanks for all you have – including your loved ones – two legged and four legged.

Happy Thanksgiving – no matter WHERE you live! Now. Pass the turkey!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Christmas list review

Howdy blogaroos. Squirmy here on another terrific Tuesday. All good here at the circus. Although…we COULD do without all the rain and wind. I just hope today is better than last night. It was crazy!

Well. It’s that time of the year when humans are beginning to prepare for Christmas. The Warden remembers back 100 years ago when she was a kid in the US, and Christmas planning didn’t begin until AFTER Thanksgiving- which is this Thursday. But since that time, Christmas preparations begin pretty much after Labor Day now. Heck – the dreaded Dollar Store had Halloween and Christmas decorations out at the same time!

Anyway, I figured I had better start my list. So. I found this thing on-line with 66 gifts for dogs and their humans. I’m about the review them. And well, I’m not holding back on my reviews. At all. And fair warning- I’m honest. Brutally honest. I’ll put a star next to,those items that make the cut. Here’s the link:

And here we go….

Wicked Smart Bone: The interactive toy. When you’re not home. Blah. Blah. Think that Wicked Smart Bone would survive one day with a PON or Picard who either tosses it in the air or hurls it against a wall? Doubtful.

Custom Pet Portrait Phone Case: Cute. $50. Put us on your screensaver: $0.

PokePet Card: Like we dogs would EVER care about this., A metal card. To do what with?

* Dual Layer Bone: It’s a maybe. Chewing is a good sell.

Dog sweaters. Of ANY kind. I rate them minus 15 out of 10. Period.

Dog camera. Blah blah. Trust me . We QUICKLY figure out you are not here. And really – do you NEED to watch us EVERY second?!

Dog bath robe. Says for dogs who used to hate baths. Right. Like wearing attire will make bath time SO much fun…

Advent calendar. Here’s the deal. Buy a bag of treats and every day and tell us it came from a calendar. We won’t know the difference.

* Pet custom stuff: OK. I’m all about artists and I agree and support portraits, etc. It’s original stuff. One of a kind stuff. That’s cool. I totally support it. But here’s a secret – something like a custom pet paw print… Hello? Unless you are into forensics or something, can you REALLY tell your dog’s paw print from another?

Personalized pet dish. Do you REALLY think I won’t eat from a bowl that doesn’t have MY name on it? Do you have YOUR name on your dinner plate? I rest my case.

* The Dog Treat Maker. Looks like a waffle iron with little bones. Clever. If it has to do with food, I’m in.

Pet stocking. Like the personalized bowl – I don’t care. As long as contents are edible.

Cute stuffed unicorn. Would take the Boss 3.6 seconds to rip off that horn. All other plush toys on the list are a waste of money. At least in this house.

* The Wild One Bolt Bite. Has potential. Just by the name alone.

Corner dog bed. Hello? Do you think we can’t or won’t move it from a corner?!

OK I’m getting bored already. Let’s skip around…

PJs for humans and their dog. Anybody who buys us this – we’ll promise to take photos in it. CAN you imagine?

* So as I said, custom art or photography is OK. We support artists wherever they may be…

Little dog stuff. Like the Felt pet cave, or the Cupcake Bed Doghouse or the Tote Carrier. I can’t address these as none of us are tiny.

Lavender Dog Macarons. Yum. $23.99 gone in 4.9 seconds. Great investment.

SmartPetLove Snuggle Puppy Behavioral Toy. Wonder if he works his magic with his head removed…

Scripted Fragrance Dog Breed Candles. No PONs. No Picards. Other dog humans MAY find their breed. Like Labradoodles. Cough.

The sidekick shower system. With a dog-friendly attachment. Seriously? What dog endorsed this one. Marketing. Pure marketing.

A gold nameplate. To put on my collar. “So no one will ever ask your dog’s name again.” As I rip off your fingers while you stick your face in my collar. Just kidding. Sort of.

Shed defender onesie. So you don’t have to vacuum so much. Really? Get a stuffed toy. We can send you plenty without limbs. Or a head.

Pup Mom Crate monthly box for Dog Moms. Unless it contains alcohol, it’s a waste of money. A LOT of alcohol.

So. I’m all about the food and treats and anything that relates to chewing. Now, if any of those products wants to send us one to test, we’ll be very happy to receive them. But the Boss said, said based on this review, I don’t need to hold my breath. Wait. I’ll find another list…

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.


Happy spectacular Sunday blogaroos. Guess who? Yup – Squirmy drop-that Wormy here for your Sunday funnies.

Did you know, that on this very day in 1837, some guy by the name of Thomas Morris, skipped rope 22,806 times. Really. That’s 22,801 more times than the Warden could do. But I never said that.

So since we’re on this rather boring topic, I had to see how canines do with skipping rope.

I found this video from 2011 with 13 dogs breaking a record. Check them out:

The humans who are owned by those dogs broke their own record with 14 dogs in 2013. That’s crazy. The Warden can’t get three of us to sit still for photos without a car load of treats. Getting us to skip rope – together – impossible.

Here’s a video of a dog trying to break a double Dutch skipping record…

I think the dog just had performance anxiety. Like me in obedience. Sooooo close….

In 2016, a woman and her dog broke the record for the number of skips together in one minute. They did 59!!!! Her dog Jessica, and her other dog Jacob, love to do all kinds of tricks. Check them out:

And now I KNOW there is SOMEONE out there wanting to learn how to skip rope with their dog, and doesn’t know how to start. Here’s a little video showing you some options:

Good luck with that. I would love to try it, but getting the Warden to jump would be like getting her to pole vault – it is NOT going to happen. Mind you, she did a flying leap the other day while walking in the woods with the Coyote- when he decided to suddenly dash to the end of his leash. The Warden said a quick prayer as she found herself falling forward, and watched as a tree stump was about to impale her chest. Somehow (probably because her Guardian Angel was looking after her) she hit the stump left of center – ending up with bruised ribs but no major damage. So I’m thinking that jumping rope WITH us is not in the cards.

We have sunshine in the forecast today but then the weather people (otherwise known as the gamblers) are forecasting LOTS AND LOTS of rain and wind. I forecast short walks. VERY short walks. And 168 rounds of Find the Bunny. Or maybe…we could jump rope… I’m so funny.

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

And in the news…

Howdy everybody! It’s Squirmy on a fantastic Friday! It’s back to class again today. I’ve been studying hard all week- so we’ll see if I remember ANYTHING when I walk into the classroom.

We’ve had a couple of rainy days so it’s been kinda boring here at the ranch. We didn’t even go for very long walks. Hopefully the weekend will be better.

So since the circus has been quiet, let’s turn to the news to see what’s going on…

The first story is about some research using a device that allows dogs to “call” their humans. Check it out:

The Warden read this story and was kinda skeptical about whether the dog REALLY called. Or was it accidental. The Warden said she would never, ever get such a device because she figures one of two things would probably happen. A. We WOULD figure out that we were calling and we would make prank calls. B. We would shred the device to bits.

Yeah- it’s not on our Christmas list.

This next story was shared with us by our good friend in France – Dominique. Now THIS story is cool:

I want to be in THIS experiment!!! Picture me in the cockpit doing flips! That’s MUCH more exciting than making a phone call.

And finally – according to the crazy calendar, today is National Blow Bagpipes day. Really. Now when researching this topic, we found ALL kinds of videos of dogs reacting to bagpipes. There was barking. There was howling. And honestly, none of us reacted to any of it. Except the video in this story – which we realize IS a few years old. But the dog in this video made the Boss’s head tilt side to side. Repeatedly. We wish we had a video but you can probably picture it in your mind. Try playing it for your own dog and see what happens:

So that’s it from me. Gotta go get fluffed for class. Even if ya don’t behave, you can look good.

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Go get….

Howdy doody blogaroos. Squirmy here on another wonderful Wednesday. Hoping the first half of your week has been good and whether or not it has been- that the next half will be even BETTER.

So, today I’d like to share my latest round of entertainment. It all has to do with the fact that I ALWAYS need to be holding something in my mouth. It’s actually a self- learned and externally reinforced behavior so I don’t bite others in my household. At least not as much. I’m still a chattery little shark – but if I carry something around, like Tuggie, I can’t bite anyone. Only one problem- because I get so excited and want to hold SOMETHING, I grab any toy, bone, chew thing I can when I run out the back door into the yard. Hence, almost all of our toys are outside. Now sometimes Tuggie ends up out there during a rainstorm, and because Tuggie is made of rope and fabric, Tuggie gets all wet. And then weighs a LOT. So Tuggie made a LOT of noise when thrown into the dryer the other day. The loud banging didn’t last long – because the Warden actually thought Tuggie might break the dryer – so Tuggie needed to dry off – for days in the garage.

So leaving Tuggie outside is not a great idea. But there is ONE thing worse than leaving Tuggie out. Leaving out a Kong. Why you might ask? Because Kongs in this household are the only things that allow the Warden to have breakfast in peace. They are stuffed with yogurt and treats and frozen and the Boss and I get one every morning while the Warden has her breakfast. I’m sure I’ve told you this before. The Coyote doesn’t “do” Kongs. He gets a slice of bread. Which he flips around like a chef hurling dough in a pizza place. Eventually he eats it.

Anyway, we have 6 Kongs. The black, indestructible-for-a-couple-of-months variety. Why do we have six? So the Warden doesn’t have to stuff them every single day. She prefers stuffing in batches. We were up to 8 at one point, but even the black indestructible versions are no match for PONs over the long term. So two were retired and we are down to 6. One is a bit sketchy, so the Warden is anxiously awaiting a Kong sale. Some women are excited about shoe sales. She gets excited when Kongs go on sale. I think they are on her Christmas list.

Anyway…..running outside with Kongs is a no-no. Because, IF the Warden doesn’t see me do it, AND it is Kong stuffing night, she has been known to go out in our rather large fenced back yard with a flashlight to search for a black Kong in the dark. It’s kinda fun to watch. Or to run around pretending to look for it.

Which brings me to yesterday….It was just after we got up and were getting ready for our walks. The Coyote scratched at the deck door, so the Warden said we should all go out for a quick pee before our walks. I raced out…with a Kong in my mouth – before she could catch me at the door. We all went pee and raced up the stairs. I came quickly. Minus one Kong. I raced in the house, and the Warden said “hey – where’s the Kong?” I looked at her and before she could stop me, I raced back out. With Tuggie in my mouth this time. Down the stairs I flew. Sure enough – I returned with the Kong! Of course I did!

But now the Warden said “Where’s Tuggie?” If ONLY I could speak English and say “Why it’s right in the yard under the steps where I left it”. But instead I raced down the steps. Ran around the yard, and raced back up. Minus Tuggie. “No” she said “GO GET TUGGIE.” I did a repeat performance. Raced down, ran around, returned Tuggie-less. Meanwhile the Boss is shouting “Can we just go for our walks already?!” This time, the Warden started heading down the steps to get Tuggie herself. I raced past her, grabbed Tuggie and started back up the steps. “Good job” she says (rolling her eyes) as she turns around to go back up. We get to the deck, she looks at me- and no Tuggie. I dropped Tuggie part way up, but she didn’t see because she was ahead of me. It was at this point, when I saw the smoke coming out of her ears, and after she said something like “Go get Tuggie NOW,” but not exactly in those words, that I turned around and got Tuggie.

So that’s how our day began! I just like to get her moving – she’s kinda slow some mornings. She’ll thank me some day.

Hey – anybody know where I can buy Tuggies or Kongs wholesale? I thought I might surprise the Warden for Christmas. I know – I know – I’m such a thoughtful, sweet guy….

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.


Yo. Blog people. Elroy here today on another Monday. Once upon my time, Her Highness would be getting ready to go to work. The olden days. The shaggy shark doesn’t remember back that far, because he wasn’t even born yet. It’s pretty cool that she’s home all the time now. And we bug her, I mean love her, every single minute.

Yesterday Her Highness announced that she was going out in the afternoon- to see some puppies. PON puppies to be precise. She also announced she would not be bringing one home. I let out a HUGE exhale. I mean seriously- can you IMAGINE ANOTHER PON in this household?! I’m outnumbered as it is! Plus the Imp is like a puppy, cat, mountain lion, shark and squirrel all rolled into one. He’s crazy – that one. I honestly think you readers think I am exaggerating. But I’m dead serious. He has all the puppy behaviors (which one would expect given that he IS still under 2 years old), he likes to jump from a standing position onto furniture without so much as a running start like a cat, he stalks me like a mountain lion, he bites like a shark AND he moves faster and more erratically than a squirrel. The thought of another shark in this household, and I’d be packing my suitcase. If I had one.

Anyway, when Her Highness came home she could barely walk in the room because our noses were STUCK to her pants. She smelled like puppies. She said she tried to get photos, but she was either busy mauling them, or they were moving around. Here’s just a couple of samples…They are six weeks old…

There are six puppies in total – three boys and three girls. They all have homes lined up – and Her Highness even got to meet one pair of PPOs. Potential Puppy Owners for those who don’t know the letters. Her Highness said it was a very nice couple with lots of dog experience. But this will be their first PON. Heaven help them…

Meanwhile, yours truly got into a BIT of a “tiff” with our neighbor Max the other day. You may recall that Max and I didn’t see eye to eye or should I say nose to butt once before. I thought we were good after that encounter, but truthfully, I haven’t seen him since then. Anyway, Her Highness and I were coming back from our morning constitutional, and Max spotted us as he was coming up his driveway. I think he may have mistaken me for the Boss – who carries on “conversations” with him from our house to his. We can’t even SEE his house from our house, but the Boss hears him or vice versa, and the two of them get into a shouting match. Well, obviously, the Boss shouted out something bad, like “your breath smells like liver.” Or “your humans make you wear a raincoat”. Clearly the Boss can sound like a bully. So Max might have thought it was me who made the sassy comments. Anyway, he came toward me slowly and did not look happy. Her Highness was trying to pull me away, and that probably made matters worse. So a tiny scuffle started, with Her Highness repeatedly (and futilely ) shouting “no.” The tiff was over in less than 10 seconds when Max’s humans came and grabbed him. I’m certain it had something to do with what the Boss said. Or the fact that I tried to paw him in a face. But there were no injuries – just lots of loudness. Her Highness and Max’s humans get along great – so it’s all fine. You know what they say: “dogs will be dogs.” Which is kind of crazy when you think about it. I mean it would be nuts to say “dogs will be sharks.” Then again….

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Intermittent reinforcement

Happy Saturday blogaroos! It’s Squirmy here to give you our latest updates from the circus!

Well, I think I might have told you that the Warden entered the Boss and me in some kind of “trial” next month. Not a criminal trial – although given my behavior, it could be – but a rally trial. So we’ve been practicing and practicing and practicing every single day. I usually get to do my practice first. Because I push my way out the door. So much for obedience.

After a practice session the other day, the Warden had the following thoughts, which she shared with a friend…

“I’ve come to the conclusion that training dogs is like wearing shoes. You have the new ones, that fit OK, but they are going to take some breaking in, and may actually pinch a bit in the beginning. The old ones are comfy and cozy and while they make not look as fresh, they fit perfectly. And when training, begin with the new ones – so after, when you try on the old ones, you decide you won’t go barefoot after all!”

I’m guessing the Boss is the comfy shoes, and I’m the new ones. The Coyote must be socks. They don’t fit with flip flops, and sometimes you can’t get your shoes on with them – but sometimes they work out well. Like in the winter.

So yesterday I had my weekly class, and based on my performance there, the Warden didn’t have high hopes for a practice match I was in last night. Not that I was THAT bad in class. I mean I WAS just kinda distracted, AND after the recall exercise, when she tried to put my leash back on, I rolled on my back with my feet in the air, making it next to impossible to tether me. I did that the first week we did recall practice, and now it’s my signature move. She was a bit discouraged after all of our practice lately. It’s that age old “but he’s great at home” line that probably some other dog training humans can relate to.

So we went to the match and she didn’t have high hopes. Not only was it all new dogs that I had not met before, but she put me in this portable pop up crate, that I had never been in before. She had to watch every movement I made because let’s face it, I can break out of a wire crate. This flimsy fabric thing wouldn’t have much of a chance.

Anyway, when we walked in the ring, she debated whether she should take off my leash. This was an Advanced level Match, which is done off leash and I haven’t even even passed Novice yet – which is done on leash. She decided to take a chance…

She clipped off my leash and held her breath…And guess what?! I rocked it! Well, at last my level of rocking. SHE screwed up one sign by moving her feet- but I did great. Didn’t sniff the ground, the signs or the air. Didn’t go to visit any dogs. I heeled like I knew exactly what to do. The Warden was SO happy at the end! She said she’ll keep me. I think she was joking…OF COURSE she’ll keep me. Who would provide such comic relief in our household if I wasn’t there!

It’s all about intermittent reinforcement. You humans do it with us in training, so we use it with you too. Just when you think we either have a concept ( or don’t) we do just the opposite. I showed her last night that I CAN be obedient. But that’s no guarantee I’ll do it the next time. So lots of practice will continue. We’ll be selling tickets for the REAL trial. Then again, maybe not….

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

Remembrance Day

Hello blog readers. Frodo here, on this the 11th of November. And today is an important day. It is a day of remembrance and appreciation in the US and Canada and I believe in other parts of the world – “for the men and women who have served, and continue to serve their countries during times of war, conflict and peace.”

It’s a day to reflect and remember the veterans who are still with us, and those who gave their lives so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have today.

Throughout times of war, canines have also played many roles in helping their soldier companions. This article talks about the roles dogs played during the First World War:

The US has many memorials devoted to canine war heroes. We were surprised (and pleased) to know that there are so many :

Canada has an Animal War Memorial in Ottawa, recognizing not only canines, but other animals as well. I might note that cats were not on the list…:

For my Canadian readers who have young children, grandchildren, or who might have some pleasant neighbors, the Canadian government has actually developed teaching materials about Animals who served in Wars and information about Remembrance Day in general.

Here are some additional Animal War Memorials in other countries. I am sure there are others as well. But none that have mentioned cats…..Perhaps I have just not found them yet…

So on this day of Remembrance, take a moment to think of those who have served. And thank a Veteran if you see one – because those who serve, deserve.

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.