A Magic Number…

Howdy blogaroos!!!! Squirmy here. It’s a big day here – but before we begin talking about the reason for celebration, let’s start with a little quiz..

1. How many legs does a spider have?

2. How many arms or tentacles does an octopus have?

3. What is the atomic number of oxygen?

4. The Beatles thought there were how many days in a week?

5. How many Maids were Milking after Christmas.

6. In the 1970s, you were cool if you had this audio technology.

7. If you put this number sideways, you have the symbol for eternity.

8. Pirates once searched for Spanish coins known as pieces of what?

9. If you’re in a difficult or tricky situation, they say you’re behind what ball?

OK. OK. Did ya notice a theme here? All of the answers contained the number 7!!!!!! Just kidding. They contained the number 8. And WHY did we feature that useless trivia? Because it’s the Coyote’s 8th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Can you believe it?! For those who have been reading this blog since the dawn of time, you may actually remember his arrival in our happy abode in what seems like yesterday. Or at least last week. Hardly 8 YEARS AGO!!!!! That’s way before my time.

It’s been quite the year for the introspective, Zen, observant, quirky randomly squeaky, laid back dude. Last September he came pretty darn close to taking the path to the Rainbow Bridge….but in typical Coyote fashion, he took off in another direction. And because he does NOTHING according to the books, he thankfully continues to defy medical odds – and not only is he doing well- he’s suddenly eating more than he EVER has. But it’s partly because the Warden discovered the secret appetite stimulant- which we mentioned before. Hot baked potatoes. I need to emphasize hot, because yesterday when she ATTEMPTED to give him a cold potato which had been cooked earlier in the day, he looked at her like she had two heads. She apologized, reheated the potato, and he ate it (along with all of his kibble) as quickly as you can say Mr. Potato Head. We’ve actually started calling him Spud.

We’re excited because Aunt Sue is here to celebrate the big birthday with us. She has been here for a week- and we’re having a super duper time. We make sure to get her up promptly at 6 AM to join us on our morning constitutional. She walks the Coyote – paying strict attention so that he doesn’t drink from muddy puddles – or eat too much roughage (aka grass) – because with the spring grass, he acts a bit like a cow or a sheep. He’s a grazer.

We haven’t seen the four-legged pin cushion lately – but we do keep watching for him. We’re not even allowed in our fenced backyard after dark now. The Warden isn’t taking any chances that some wayward pin cushion climbs the fence and comes to visit.

Since it’s the Coyote’s big day, we thought we’d share some of our favorite photos from the past year….

We know some of the photos are bittersweet- we miss the Boss too. Plus the poor Warden has to work SO hard to get a good photo with the two of us – the photogenic, willing model is no longer here to provide an example. Not that we ever watched him anyway. But it was nice to have at least ONE smiling dog. She’s got her work cut out for her now.

But despite the fact that we miss the big guy, it’s really made the two of us better buddies. Really. I mean we always got along- but let’s face it- he was the odd man out. So now we hang out together much more. And when I go off hunting for golf balls (I must be at about 50 so far and the season just started!) – he watches and waits for me. Before, he really didn’t pay the least bit of attention. But now he kinda seems to worry where I am. PLUS – get this – when I go mooching for food – and I stick my head in the fridge to take stock for grocery day- he sticks his in too! PLUS – he sits and stares at the humans while they are eating. Just like yours truly. AND he eats carrots now. He watches me and eats what I eat. Yup – our buddydom has gone to a new level. So it’s good. It’s really good.

Time to get the humans moving. And time to get ready for the festivities. Potatoes all around!!!!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe. JBJ.

National Purebred Dog Day

Howdy blogaroos! Squirmy here on MAY 1! Can you believe it’s May already? The blackflies are anxiously awaiting their bombardment. Any minute now…

May 1st marks a day of many holidays around the globe including World Carnivorous Plant Day (huge celebrations around the world for that one), National Salad Day (yawn), Save the Rhino Day (now that’s a parade I’d like to see) and the most important- National Purebred Dog Day. The Coyote and I are expecting extra treats as a result.

If you want a little quiz about purebred dogs, here is a short one:


The Warden did pretty well.

Now if you want to know what kind of purebred dog YOU would be based on your interests and behaviors, take this quiz:


The Warden thinks it’s a bunch of hooey. Take it, and let us know what you think. We’ll send a prize to the first person who correctly guesses what breed the Warden is. I’m not sure what the prize is, but we’ll figure something out.

If you’re really bored today, there are loads of trivia quizzes about dogs. We did the one on rare breeds. Unfortunately there were no PONs or Picards in the quiz. That’s why we only got 18/20.


Have fun!

What’s new around here…

Well, the Coyote is really relishing his newfound love for potatoes. I’m serious. The Warden now gives him plain baked potato in every one of his meals. He comes running when he smells her slicing them up. We have NEVER seen him so interested in a food. Ever. Now we realize it likely won’t last, but it’s great for now. Pretty soon we’ll be calling the skinny dude “Tubby.”

Oh – plus we dodged a ginormous disaster the night before last. We were both going out for our last pee of the night – and the Warden took both of us together on leash. It was dark, but she was wearing her trusty headlamp. Unfortunately, the battery needed charging – so it wasn’t QUITE as radiant as it usually is. So we’re walking up to the road, and suddenly, both of our noses hit the ground. And we got kinda frantic. The Warden looked up and with her dim light could see something waddling off the driveway and into the woods. We saw it too. It was a porcupine.

Did you ever hear one of those stories where someone is like trapped under a car and their friend suddenly gets superhuman strength to lift the car? Yeah well the Warden showed superhuman strength holding onto the two of us. She shouted “no emergency clinic tonight!!!” She managed to pull us away faster than she has probably ever moved in her life. Mind you, it’s not the first time she’s seen a four-legged pin cushion at night. But not walking both me and my compadre together. Plus I think Tubby is getting extra muscles eating all those potatoes. Anyway, no trips to the vet that night.

Oh plus guess who is coming to visit soon? Aunt Sue!!!! We don’t know when. The Warden won’t tell us because she wants it to be a surprise. Some time in May….

OK. Gotta go get ready for our Purebred Dog Day celebrations. Maybe we can watch a rerun of Best in Show. Plus there are plenty of Crufts YouTube videos to watch. As long as there are snacks. Besides potatoes.

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe. JBJ.