
Yo. Blogees. Elroy here. Also known as the guy with the non-stop squeak. Yeah so I’ve been feeling a bit frisky lately, and if I’m not trying to play Humpty Dumpty with the shark, I’m squeaking. There’s nothing WRONG with me. I just want to play. And if I can’t play, I squeak. Just enough to drive Her Highness to almost screaming out loud. I’m not sure what drives her more crazy – the ricocheting PON, the barking PON, or the squeaking Picard. It’s a toss up.

Anyway, the squeaking paid off. For me anyway. She figured if we did something “fun” maybe I would stop squeaking. The first attempt was an epic fail. But the second worked.

First off, Her Highness decided that maybe, since I’m not into rally or obedience, that MAYBE I would like tracking. Seemed like a reasonable option seeing as my nose is always on the ground. When it’s not in another dog’s butt. Or a human’s for that matter. So. She placed a short track in the front yard. Like 10 feet. She had a flag at the start and a cone at the end. So she takes me to the start and shows me the biscuit that is there. Frankly, all I could focus on was the cone at the end. I mean what was a cone doing in the middle of the front yard? It didn’t belong there. Who put it there? Why was it right there? I MUST check it out.

Her Highness kept pointing to the treat on the ground. You want me to eat that? Sure. So I lay down to have a snack. She said to stand up. Sure. Hey is that a bird in the tree? And why is that other cone out on the driveway? Why isn’t that on the lawn too? She stepped ahead and pointed to the next treat, dragging me along. I have to eat this one too? OK. I’ll lie down again. And take 3 minutes to chew it.

She mumbled something about the wrong treats, took me back to the front door, tied me to a post and went in for “easier” treats. Cheese strings. Who said I like cheese? Maybe some days. Maybe not today. And by the way, what is that cone doing in the front yard?

OK. So the first round of tracking wasn’t exactly a huge success. I was no faster or more interested with the cheese.

She tried it with the imp and he was minimally better. The Boss rocked it. Of course he did.

So what else to do with a squeaking Picard. Well the second idea worked. For a while anyway. I got to go for a walk with Gena, the imp’s girlfriend. Actually, one of his harem. He was supposed to go for a walk with her, but Her Highness decided to take yours truly instead. To stop my squeaking.

I had never met Gena before, and got pretty excited when I saw her. Luckily she is tolerant of boisterous boys – heck she’s been with the imp. We had a lovely walk along the waterfront. And guess what? I was well behaved. One man wanted to pet me and of course I sidled right in. And I wasn’t squeaking! And I was great all the way home! Yay, Her Highness thought.

20 minutes after being home, the squeaker button was again pressed. Yup. I was back at it. Luckily I was tired after my walk, so I fell asleep. And stopped squeaking. Temporarily anyway.

Today the Imp is in some kind of rally match. Not a real trial- just a fake one. The Boss was also entered, but Her Highness figures it might be a bit much with the heat for the senior guy. So I think he’ll hang out with me at home. I can squeak and he can bark. We’ll do a duet…

Have a good one. Peace and paws up. Stay safe.

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