
Just like humans, every one of us canines has our own unique personality and our own way of doing things.  Frodo and I have the same parents, but we could not be more different.  He’s the loud but reliable guy.  I’m the quiet but crazy guy – I’m kind of like a stealth bomber – you don’t see me coming and then I cause explosions!

But also like humans, we canines like to copy each other.  We do have our own way of doing things – but every now and then we see another canine doing something, and we start to copy that behavior.  And here are a few examples:

·      Paxton has always been a quiet guy in the morning.  He is happy when he gets up – and is anxious to get the day going – but he has always done so, quietly.  Frodo, on the other hand, begins the day by letting the WORLD know he is awake.  He barks.  And barks.  As he waits for our human while she gets dressed and ready to take us out, he barks.  He barks while she is getting our food ready.  He barks while she is putting on our leashes.  And now, Paxton has decided he should copy Frodo – so he also barks. We now have a chorus.  It’s CRAZY!!! I just innocently watch the proceedings.

·      Frodo, as I have talked about before, likes to “hide” in obscure places – where he THINKS he is not visible – but he clearly IS.  He wedges himself in THE most uncomfortable spots – behind tables…chairs….  And now, guess what?!  Yours truly has begun to do the same thing!  I have copied Frodo and I will try to get to his favorite spots before he does.  I’m not sure why I do it.  I just saw him doing it – so I do it too.

I just realized that in these examples, both Paxton and I have copied Frodo.  Isn’t THAT interesting.  Well you know what they say – Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!!   Just don’t tell him that I said so.  And I guess it’s a good thing that we are copying HIM – IMAGINE our household if everybody copied me….Now THAT would be interesting…

©  2014 Linda Wozniak

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