
Well, well. It’s June 1 – and it’s New Year’s Resolution Recommitment Day.  What does the fact that they have such a day tell us about humans and their ability to hold fast to their resolutions?

I looked back at my resolutions, and I’m doing OK….  For example, I vowed not to take off in the woods after bunnies.  And I haven’t been doing it.  Much.  Yesterday morning there was a bunny on the lawn when we went out for our last pee before my human left for work.  I was on a leash – and Einstein was free.  Good thing I was on the leash.  Einstein took off – but of course he only chases bunnies as far as the lawn goes – he doesn’t want to go off into the woods and mess up his hair.  I would have been G-O-N-E.

I also vowed to be nicer to the FG.  And I AM being nicer.  I still don’t exactly PLAY with hm – but we can lie right next to each other and chew bones – and it’s fine with me.  He also sometimes barks right in my face, in an attempt to get me to play – and I no longer scowl at him.  I just look at him and roll my eyes. I really don’t mind him – although I’m still not so sure about sharing my human’s bed with him – when he is let out of his crate at night – 4 years from now.

I have been bugging my human for more walks – in an attempt to help her get rid of the Halloween candy she is still sporting around her waist.  From 2015.  That was one of my resolutions too.  I bug her every chance I get.  Even at 2:30 AM.  I’m a thoughtful guy – and concerned for her health.  I know she appreciates my concern. 

I guess if I were to make a new resolution for the remainder of 2017 – it would be to stop our linen destruction.  My human discovered when she was making her bed yesterday morning, that someone had AGAIN chewed on of the pillowcases while she was in the bathroom.  She is JUST about out of pillowcases.  But let’s just be clear – Einstein also helps in this project.  So I’ll have to get him to commit to the resolution too.

Anyway, good luck with Recommitment Day.  You still have half a year – there is still time to reach your goals – so get to it!

Have a good one!

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